2021 Ratings are Available

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2021 Ratings are Available

PostTue Apr 26, 2022 11:17 pm

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to make you aware that I have been providing services that might help out. I have been providing ratings to managers for a number of years and most have found them useful. If you're really curious, I will give out a limited number of free 2020 seasons for the average park.

In case you're wondering, some of the guys who have purchased my ratings are:
Petrosian, DocX, Semper Gumby, Steve F, springer, Madigan, stevep107, Kaviksdad, and akIndian. (There are many others)

The guys who have purchased JTJ ratings have been very appreciative and mostly successful (see the site for their comments) so I wanted to let others know that it's available if they are so inclined.

This certainly isn't the only way to get an understanding of the cards, but I just wanted to make people aware it's available in case they didn't know.

Even if you don't use our system, I believe it's important to have *some* type of rating system with which to compare players.

I'm offering:

- Files containing all the stat calculations for the players along with my Ratings for all eligible (and unleashed) players. Among other things, the ratings take into account hitting, power, ob, fielding, stealing, running, wild pitches, balks and T-ratings.

- Ratings are available for all 20nn, 1969, and ATG8.

Ok, now the bad news, I charge a modest fee for these services. Here's why:

- It takes time to generate the files. The only way I can justify the time to myself (and my family) is to get compensated for the time.

- I don't think it's fair to the guys who put a lot of time into do the calcs to just give it away

- The JoeTheJet ratings system took years for Wineman and me to develop and fine tune. We've been playing SOM for a combined 70+ years and we think it's a dang good way to evaluate the players.

If no one is interested, no problem - my day job keeps me plenty busy

You should be able to get all the info you need at the web site below. Or, contact me at ( joethejet4 at gmail .com )

I know this might rub some the wrong way, but my only intent by this post is to let others know that there is a service available if they're interested. If not, fine by me, I can spend more time on my own teams!!!

I also do Value Ratings for Teams (including specific comments on strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement) and if requested, entire Leagues. For anyone who has never purchased the ratings I will offer one free team rating to go with your ratings purchase.

If you have any questions, please post here.


Semper Gumby

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Re: 2021 Ratings are Available

PostFri Apr 29, 2022 7:16 pm

If time is money, Joe's ratings save a significant amount of time analyzing the SOM Ratings Guide.

I've used the ratings for years supplementing my own roster selections particularly when I venture outside of my typical ball park comfort zone.


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Re: 2021 Ratings are Available

PostFri Apr 29, 2022 8:33 pm

Joe the Jet,
What exactly is this? I checked the website it looks like a lot of stadium stuff.

Does this replace the SOM guide as far as chances for hits, on base, slugging and all that?

I have yet to win a league and would be interested!


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Re: 2021 Ratings are Available

PostMon May 02, 2022 2:11 am

Hi Ivan,

Sorry for the delay, I had a busy weekend and missed the email telling me there had been a post!

So, there are some sample pages (although I must say they are a little outdated). Basically, what my ratings to is take the raw data from the SOM guide and turn them into a way to compare players across all the data. This includes fielding, running, stealing for the hitters and the WP/BK, etc for pitchers. For pitchers it also takes into account the fact that the pitcher is on the mound for a string of hitters and so guys with higher OBs will face more hitters.

The "stadium stuff" that you see is just that the ratings are customized to different parks so that you can see the difference.

So, here is an excerpt from the "Ratings FAQ" on the web site: https://www.angelfire.com/games5/joethe ... ngsFAQ.htm

What are the ratings based on?
This system has evolved over 26 years and there’s over a man-year of effort put into it. It’s not trivial. Initially, it was an OBA type system for hitting and pitching. Then fielding was incorporated.

The newest generation includes situational elements and "chain" assumptions. In other words, it takes into account how many times certain situations occur and then translates the situational probabilities into a rating based on the probability of an outcome on each card. It even takes into account the fact that some players hit into many double plays or that if someone is a good clutch hitter. The system is based on how many bases an event will gain a team. It looks at how often on average situations will occur and then measures the bases advanced by runners and the batter based on the outcome.

In the system, a point is awarded for each base a runner is advanced. So reaching first on a walk, single, or E1 gets you 1 base. We then looked at average situations occurring to determine how many bases an outcome impacts. For example, a walk will move up any forced runner. We sum up the probability of each situation that advances a runner by the # of runners advancing. For example, a home run will advance all the base runners. As stated before, we assume bases empty occurs 49.2% of the time. A runner on first only occurs 22.2% of the time. A home run will give 3 points for any runner on first so we multiply the probability of this occurring by 3. We do this for all possible situations to come up with the total bases factor that is the heart of the rating system.

One other note, the rating system is slightly different for hitters than pitchers. That's because a hitter's average situational occurrence (number of runners on base) is independent of his card. Whereas, a pitcher's average situational occurrence is dependent on his card. That is, a batter can't influence the outcome of the preceding batter, but a pitcher influences all outcomes as long as he's on the mound.

Defensive ratings, speed, steal, wild pitch, passed balls, hold and balks are all taken into consideration by the ratings.

Sorry for the long post, but, hopefully, this helps. There is more info at the FAQ above or you can ask more questions here.

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