nevdully's wrote:Charlie you're such a spin fraud. You woulda went to the girls mexican softball leagues to find some set are numbers to paint your narrative.
Well I have never seen a girl Mexicans softball league but I did coach a 20 and over women's team to a championship at our company and we actually beat the men's company softball team.
I see as usual Salty posted an hour after you so that was a nice remembrance. I do think there is black box stuff going on, just not in the playoffs. If it were it would show up in the Barnstormers tournament, but it inconveniently is not. The 100 win teams actual do quite well. You are obviously Nev a great player, and you make the playoffs far in excess of random chance and win championships far in excess of random chance, so I think it is clear that the game engine is not biased in general against you. So that also means that your sub 100 teams must really really win championships far in excess of random chance, why do you think that is, is the black box rigging the game for you in your opinion? I don''t think so. I think your teams are designed to do really well against the average team. Really, the idea that 100 win teams are programmed against makes absolutely no sense other than a programmer just being mean. Why does Woody09 only win 7 championships out of 87 playoff teams?
How does Nomadbrad manage to win 25% championships of all his formed teams when he has such a bias against him with successful teams? Heck 75% of his teams makes the playoffs and still there is a black box out there to get him!
The black box as I said in the earlier post that I have seen normalizes after 100 games and against certain players to lower or raise their chances of making the playoffs, I am pretty sure how this is done, I do not belive it is not real common but I have not seen it in the playoffs.