80's keepers league season 11th league Full

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80's keepers league season 11th league Full

PostThu May 05, 2022 12:39 pm

Hey Guys come join us in this friendly league

90 Milions league DH

Each 5 seasons we restart the draft from nothing by randomize the draft order (like this years !!)

We got 3 keepers + 3 round draft before the autodraft. Each season you must keep 3 players that are still in your roster at the end of the season.

I do a standing of the 5 seasons stretch and the 1st of this standing win 1 extra credit from strato!!

1 win = 1 point
both loser of the semi-finals got +5 for playoff berth
Loser of the final +10
Champs +15

We need somedody who could beat bigdinkent haha he is about to win again this 2nd edition
Last edited by killermarc on Thu May 05, 2022 5:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 3

PostThu May 05, 2022 1:32 pm

I'm down to join if you're down to have me!


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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 2

PostThu May 05, 2022 1:51 pm

yeah sure !!

Welcome in naitrey



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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 2

PostThu May 05, 2022 2:06 pm

Can you post a link to the current season?

Thank you,



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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1



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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1

PostThu May 05, 2022 3:15 pm


When will the new draft start? As soon as you have 12 managers or after the current season? I assume this league has unique stadiums. After five seasons, the re-draft is not based on the five concluded seasons records, but is a random draft? Is the draft four rounds to include a unique stadium?

Pretty sure I will join if you will have me. Just need those few questions answered.

Thank you,



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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1

PostThu May 05, 2022 3:39 pm

We will draft as soon as we are 12. No unique stadium, you could pick any stadium that you want.

After the 5 seasons the order of the standings does not affect the re-draft order.
I will ask to randomize the order 1 to 12 on individual league chat post.
Your number is your standings and that's it. For the new one they will have the ranking of pwoelfle22 or RB44.

the 1st years fo 5, we have 6 total round to do ( 3 keepers + 3 more round)
the 2nd years to the 5th (only 3 round draft)




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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1

PostThu May 05, 2022 4:22 pm


I am in if you need me.




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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1

PostThu May 05, 2022 4:45 pm


Yeah sure, if you want you are the 12th and we are now full !!




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Re: 80's keepers league season 11th need 1

PostThu May 05, 2022 5:13 pm

Ducky and naitrey this is the standings, i put you both on those vacant spot. So naitrey you will check the number 7 and ducky number 9th. I will ask in individual league chat to randomize an order from 1-12 and this is gonna be the order of the serpentine draft !!

The standings

1. bigdinkent 451 pts
2. 1st Command Commando 429 pts
3. killermarc 425 pts
4. Cabrera24 423 pts
5. RichardGagnon 422 pts
6. generationm1 420 pts
7. pwoelfle22/ naitrey 415 pts
8. boudha08 398 pts
9. RB44 / Ducky 379 pts
10.dorB 375 pts
11.fench33 363 pts
12.Leo Carter 356 pts

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