2022 Players Championship

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostSun Nov 28, 2021 5:52 pm

J-Pav wrote:AG,

I’ve been playing the tour for going on 20 years. Placing 35th for one year has no bearing whatsoever on anything I’ve put forward.

I don’t mind you throwing out the condescension, but at least make some attempt at an objective argument and not just repeating your own opinion of how this should all work. I already know how you feel. I don’t see any facts though.

Here’s a fact. You always understood what rules we were operating on since the beginning of the tourney.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostSun Nov 28, 2021 6:12 pm

Well, actually no. That’s your opinion again.

Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostSun Nov 28, 2021 6:14 pm

That’s the rule set where it was determined that we would use the actual set so everyone was aware.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostSun Nov 28, 2021 6:21 pm

This thread is about formatting next year’s Players Championship. I’m pretty sure we’ll be using the 2021 player set. How should it be done and why?


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostMon Dec 06, 2021 11:48 pm

Axlerod Gunderson wrote:The idea that placement in the top 36 deserves no reward is an absurd one.... The problem with the 3 person draft this year was there was no time limit to picks and some managers took advantage of that, sometimes taking days to make their pick. Have a time limit with penalties and the problem is solved.

Exactly! Good thoughts here. I don't think there needs to be any byes - what fun is that anyway to sit out an entire season.
We simply need to seed Teams as they finished the Regular Season. Then again when they finish the Semi-finals to prepare for the Finals.

Any advantage should be small and based on the performance from that year's Tournament only. I like the format this year: We simply need to clarify a few of the rules in question - As Mr. Baseball World suggested. And have some kind of time limits on Picks so everyone doesn't have to wait so long (As Axlerod stated above). This has always been a good Tournament. We just needed to reward those slightly who finished with the Best records in the Regular Season.

All major Sports Teams reward those who had the best Record during the Regular Season with small advantages during the Playoffs by Seeding and Home Field Advantage when the later comes into play.

The Finals / Championship is always the the least Advantage possible - such as little to no seeding and no Home Field Advantage if possible.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Dec 24, 2021 7:13 pm

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Players Championship Strat-O-Matic Family!
All of you Guys & Gals are better than Swell! :)


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostWed Dec 29, 2021 9:49 am

Gilbo wrote:Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Players Championship Strat-O-Matic Family!
All of you Guys & Gals are better than Swell! :)

Same to you & yours, Gilbo!


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostMon May 23, 2022 4:22 pm

My two cents. I don't like the 3 player draft. It has nothing to do with the auto league format we all use in any other league. It is a strategy how to align your draft as much as who to take. The 3 player draft is a joke. preference of Home field is plenty of an advantage for the higher seeded teams.

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