Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:06 pm
Assigned times for Monday 8/1 (All times Eastern)
As a reminder:
4) Only players without MLB regular season experience (prior to the MLB season currently being played) and signed by a MLB team prior to the current season's MLB draft are eligible for any prospect draft.
Round 1
1 baseball cfo - Kyle Harrison SP SF
2 evanthomas - Aeverson Arteaga SS SF
3 edub1969 - Gunnar Henderson IF BAL
4 chilliards - Sal Frelick OF MIL
5 mlbphan - Gavin Williams SP CLE
6 the splinter- Ezequiel Tovar SS COL
7 mike282981 - 10-11am
8 nythawk129921 - 11am-12pm
9 thisisray - 12-1pm
10 chilliards (via Roscodog) - 1-2pm
11 The Turtle - 2-3pm
12 blsmith7 - 3-4pm
Round 2
1 baseball cfo - 4-5pm
2 Roscodog (via evanthomas) - 5-6pm
3 edub1969 - 6-7pm
4 chilliards - 7-8pm
5 mlbphan - 8-9pm
6 the splinter - 9-10pm
7 mike282981
8 nythawk129921
9 thisisray
10 chilliards (via Roscodog)
11 The Turtle
12 blsmith7