It saddens me...

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It saddens me...

PostMon Aug 27, 2012 1:59 am

,,,to see some of my vicarious friends in this game giving up on it. But it's understandable. If a product doesn't meet your needs, you have to say so, and if nothing happens then, it's certainly correct to stop using the product, and Godspeed. But these forums truly have now become far too negative. I can't remember what most of the original complaints even involved, (In fact, I had to go back to the old temporary forum to refresh my memory.)

Most of the entries on this current forum involve the freedom of speech issue. As a former newspaper reporter, editor and supervisor, I consider that to be a cause worth fighting for. But it doesn't appear to me that SOM is in any way trying to stifle complaints; if it were, this forum would be long gone. Speaking only for myself, I think the company is simply asking us to be civil, and especially to avoid profanity, in our posts. I have had problems with the game since the transition and have reported them to the onlinegames support desk. Granted, they were minor compared to some of the still unresolved issues, but they were dealt with promptly and politely. To me, that indicates SOM is committed to solving the bigger issues. So it may take longer than they or we like, but I enjoy the game enough to wait around and see whether it happens. And all my leagues are running properly and timely.

In the meantime, I'd appreciate seeing just a wee bit of cogent baseball and Strat chatter on these forums. In the old days, there were a constant run of new leagues forming, pleas for help in choosing players pr parks (which were usually answred) and interesting tidbits of baseball history and trvia, Why no one has commented on the Red Sox/Dodgers trade here is downright mystifying. It may change baseball forever, and no one wants to share their thoughts on it?

That would have been impossible in the old days. I'm not sure whether people are avoiding the forum because they're tired of the volume of the negativity, or the in-your-face manner in which ii's expressed.

Again, I'm sorry to see people leaving, and I wish them well. But I haven't yet seen anyone actually banned from the boards or kicked out of the game, indicating to me that SOM is bending over backward to let us vent. But, perhaps every so often, we can try to use the forum the way we used to.

And I sure hope the Dodgers have spent themselves into the same kind of desperation pit that the Red Sox did two years ago. And the Sox didn't even have Bobby Valentine to blame it on then!


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Re: It saddens me...

PostMon Aug 27, 2012 2:30 am

I understand many are sick and tired of hearing people complain.
Im sick and tired of complaining about these issues. Id rather complain about Clemens or some such.

SoM is trying to stifle speech.
I got a warning notice because I insulted SoM. (probably many times in earnest)
They need to remove the clause about things that they deem destructive to the company.

If it were just a matter of not using profanity or any sort of hate speech Id be onboard. Or a matter of harassing other players- I could be onboard with that too.

They will not take down the forums. Not a chance. They'd get no business without people being able to communicate outside of leagues. No theme leagues etc.
If you've ever visited their facebook page - they take down any post that does not promote the game in some way.
I believe they want the forums to be similar. An advertisement for the greatness of the game.

I dont like fighting this battle- it sux- but imo, it needs to be fought.

When the next thing happens, no one will be allowed to complain on the boards. Its not as if SoM has a spotless track record of making things right. :shock:

...and just so you know- Ive written to their help desk many many times. They dont answer me- and its only after being ignored multiple times that I stopped being polite.
there is no excuse for them to pick and choose whom and what they deem to respond to.

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