NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostFri Aug 19, 2022 11:25 pm

Hawk hit Odor :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostFri Aug 19, 2022 11:42 pm

Looks like Dale put us in a tail spin. 1-8 over the last 3 series. I think we're toast. :(

Contreras hits TWO 1-12 HRs off of his card v Clase to beat us in game 2. ugh. One to send to extras and one to win in extras. He's not that great v RHP, but good enough I guess.

We had a nice run, but this stretch will make it tough unless we just crush our division. Only six more outside the divison.


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostSat Aug 20, 2022 4:24 pm

When are ratings coming?? Usually, it is between games 111 and 117 and we will be at 120 tonight.

I always enjoy the ratings--even if I typically say little about them (I really want to see how bad my defense is)--I know my pitching is mediocre at best--but the fielding isn't helping the pitching out for sure.


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostSun Aug 21, 2022 3:19 pm

milleram wrote:When are ratings coming?? Usually, it is between games 111 and 117 and we will be at 120 tonight.

I always enjoy the ratings--even if I typically say little about them (I really want to see how bad my defense is)--I know my pitching is mediocre at best--but the fielding isn't helping the pitching out for sure.

I'll probably get to them today some time. Given that we've lost 11 of 12, I'm not too motivated....

Oh, and three guys injured last night too.


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 1:17 am

Ok, ratings. I did the ratings today and the luck factors after the games tonight.

As usual for 100 mil, the ratings are fairly close overall. Stoney and Milleram are definitely at the top. Then there isn't a lot of difference between Steve, Jeep, spider, Semper. Next group of Hawk through JTJ are basicallyu the same and Dale trails by a mile. Not sure Dale has done much with his team as there are a lot of weirdness there especially with Chafin only getting 16 IP. I think his team could be better with the correct usage.

The East and the West have the best averagr ratings. West best hitting, East best P+F

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Stoney.   8449   4715   402   5117   3333   E
Millerm   8468   4671   589   5260   3208   W
stevep   8479   4858   484   5342   3137   C
Jeep...   8718   5023   577   5601   3118   W
Spider.   8147   4618   414   5032   3115   E
SemperG   7823   4510   248   4759   3064   W
hawk...   7958   4533   509   5042   2917   E
BigAlrc   7724   4619   192   4812   2912   C
KLX....   7963   4638   420   5058   2905   E
Randal.   8329   4721   727   5448   2882   C
JoeTJet   7904   4712   349   5060   2844   W
Dale...   7875   5201   769   5970   1905   C

Divi   Offn   Ptch   Fld   P+F   Overall
East   8129   4626   436   5062   3067
Cent   8102   4850   543   5393   2709
West   8228   4729   441   5170   3059

Overall - Jeep is under performing, Hawk and Dale over performing. Steve is also a bit low.

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif   
Stoney.   3333   2   4   -2   E
Millerm   3208   3   3   0   W
stevep   3137   4   7   -3   C
Jeep...   3118   4   8   -4   W
Spider.   3115   4   2   2   E
SemperG   3064   5   4   1   W
hawk...   2917   8   1   7   E
BigAlrc   2912   8   7   1   C
KLX....   2905   8   10   -2   E
Randal.   2882   8   7   1   C
JoeTJet   2844   8   7   1   W
Dale...   1905   12   8   4   C

Offense - Pretty close overall. Hawk definitely high. Jeep a little low and Semper a little high.
Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Jeep...   8718   1   4   -3   W
stevep   8479   4   5   -1   C
Millerm   8468   4   2   2   W
Stoney.   8449   4   5   -1   E
Randal.   8329   5   5   0   C
Spider.   8147   7   5   2   E
KLX....   7963   9   11   -2   E
hawk...   7958   9   5   4   E
JoeTJet   7904   9   6   3   W
Dale...   7875   9   9   0   C
SemperG   7823   10   7   3   W
BigAlrc   7724   11   9   2   C


Again, pretty close. Only Dale is the anomaly being quite a bit high. Big A and JTJ are a little low.

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif   
SemperG   4759   1   1   0   W
BigAlrc   4812   1   4   -3   C
Spider.   5032   4   4   0   E
hawk...   5042   4   3   1   E
KLX....   5058   4   6   -2   E
JoeTJet   5060   4   7   -3   W
Stoney.   5117   5   3   2   E
Millerm   5260   7   9   -2   W
stevep   5342   8   7   1   C
Randal.   5448   9   7   2   C
Jeep...   5601   11   10   1   W
Dale...   5970   12   7   5   C

Fielding - LIke normal fielding is really close. Dale is a little high

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt   Rtg   F%   Dif   
BigAlrc   192   1   1   0   C
SemperG   248   2   2   0   W
JoeTJet   349   4   5   -1   W
Stoney.   402   5   6   -1   E
Spider.   414   5   5   0   E
KLX....   420   5   5   0   E
stevep   484   6   6   0   C
hawk...   509   6   6   0   E
Jeep...   577   7   6   1   W
Millerm   589   7   8   -1   W
Randal.   727   10   8   2   C
Dale...   769   11   8   3   C


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 1:18 am

Luck Factors

Hawk and Randal are little high, not that big of a deal however. Hawk has been very good at bpsis and pythag. Randal injuries and HRs balanced a little by poor one run record.

OTOH, Jeep and JTJ are really low and Dale is a little low. Turns out my team doesn't rate well AND is unlucky. :( :cry:

Jeep and JTJ are both bad with bphrs. JTJ is being killed by rolls on the other teams' cards. Jeep with one runners and pythag. Both have had bad luck with unearned runs.

Code: Select all
Mgr .. .   SI   HR   1-R   Pyt   Rolls   UE/E   Inj   Luck Fctr
Hawk...   +12%   +1%   +4   +4   +0.3%   58%   -36   2
Randal.   -4%   +6%   -7   -1   -0.9%   48%   -58   2
Millerm   +3%   +2%   +7   +5   -0.8%   55%   -51   1.5
BigA...   +9%   +1%   0    +2   -0.7%   57%   -3   1
KLX....   +5%   -7%   +5   +4   -1.1%   62%   -48   0.5
Semper.   -5%   -0%   -1   -4   +0.8%   36%   -6   0
stevep.   -4%   -5%   +3   -1   +1.2%   49%   -60   0
Spider.   -9%   +0%   +4   +3   +0.4%   61%   -22   -1
Stoney.   -7%   -6%   -6   -3   +1.6%   51%   -40   -2.5
dale...   +3%   -9%   -5   +1   +0.6%   77%   -27   -3
JTJ....   +1%   -5%   +2   -2   -2.0%   70%   -6   -4
Jeep...   +1%   -5%   -10   -6   +0.6%   72%   -25   -4.5


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 5:34 am

Hi Joe. Being a relative newcomer, could you please post descriptions for each of the column headings? They are a bit cryptic to me. Thanks.


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 4:09 pm

Hi Steve,

Not sure if you just mean the luck factors or not but the factors there are:

bphr (both of the bp numbers compares your rates against those of your opponents)

1-R one run game record above or below .500

pyt - difference between the pythag and the actual record
rolls - how often you roll on your cards versus the other guy's

ue/e - percentat of unearned runs to errors. In other words how often do your error actually hurt you.

Inj - injuries versus expected

Luck factor - takes the plusses and minuses, usually by those which are outside of a STD deviation, but some of the ranges are tweaked a bit so it's not just the straight std dev.

One thing that might not be apparent is that fielding and pitching rating numbers are better when they're lower.

Hope this helps. What other questions do you have?


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 6:28 pm

Thanks JTJ

I appreciate the ratings and the effort--I always wondered if you ignore 50 cent bench players and low use pitchers??


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Re: NLD 60 - Best Birth Year Ever!

PostMon Aug 22, 2022 8:40 pm

I don't analyze a bench per se, only the platoon and I do account for teams that face a lot of LHSP (everyone this time around)

For Injuries I factor in a "generic" backup, probably in the $1 range to play.

Low use pitchers are accounted for as I put in all the IP for the teams to get their pitching ratings. This is why I can't really do much until teams usage are established and the bulk of the add/drops are over.

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