Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition

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Re: Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition - Filled

PostSun Oct 23, 2022 11:45 pm

Round 1 - Individual player selection

1. rbtsmith - Barry Bonds
2. Bob Hoser - MIckey Mantle
3. emart - George Brett
4. gamiam - Willie Mays
5. tlew13 - Maddux
6. ironwill1 - Pedro Martinez

Round 2 - Individual player selection

6. ironwill1 - Joe Morgan
5. tlew13 - McGwire
4. gamiam - Mathewson
3. emart - Joe Mauer
2, Bob Hoser - Musial
1. rbtsmith - Three Fingered Brown

Round 3 - Selecting Letters

6. ironwill1 - RRR
5. tlew13 - G
4. gamiam - S
3. emart - W
2. Bob Hoser - C
1. rbtsmith - B

Round 4 - Selecting Letters

1, rbtsmith - H
2. Bob Hoser - A
3. emart - L
4. gamiam - D
5. tlew13 - F
6. ironwill1 -


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Re: Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition

PostMon Oct 24, 2022 7:13 am

Round 1 - Individual player selection

1. rbtsmith - Barry Bonds
2. Bob Hoser - MIckey Mantle
3. emart - George Brett
4. gamiam - Willie Mays
5. tlew13 - Maddux
6. ironwill1 - Pedro Martinez

Round 2 - Individual player selection

6. ironwill1 - Joe Morgan
5. tlew13 - McGwire
4. gamiam - Mathewson
3. emart - Joe Mauer
2, Bob Hoser - Musial
1. rbtsmith - Three Fingered Brown

Round 3 - Selecting Letters

6. ironwill1 - R
5. tlew13 - G
4. gamiam - S
3. emart - W
2. Bob Hoser - C
1. rbtsmith - B

Round 4 - Selecting Letters

1, rbtsmith - H
2. Bob Hoser - A
3. emart - L
4. gamiam - D
5. tlew13 - F
6. ironwill1 -J


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Re: Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition

PostMon Oct 24, 2022 10:10 am

Thanks to everyone for getting through the draft so quickly.

I'll have the league up within the hour and will post the access code here.


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Re: Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition

PostMon Oct 24, 2022 10:27 am

The invite code is QDGQJ. Don't forget to mark yourselves ready for the draft.


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Re: Two-Stage Alphabet Draft League - 2nd Edition

PostMon Oct 24, 2022 4:36 pm

Just so there is no confusion - please autodraft only those players with last names corresponding to your choices, and the 2 players from the first 2 rounds. There are no contested players and waiver order will be determined randomly by Hal.

The invite code is QDGQJ. Don't forget to mark yourselves ready for the draft.

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