Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:32 pm
I don't know how many of you guys are retired - seems like a lot of older fellas play Strat these days. I am 39, work 50 hours a week and generally don't have access to Strat during that time, coach baseball, play baseball, and have a family with four children.
I am so terribly sorry that I slowed the draft down a few hours by missing 2 of my picks - but that is the pace of my life right now. I am sure I am not the only one who is busy. 2 hours is a reasonable time limit. Making up picks after the fact seems reasonable to me. 3 days for a draft isn't a big deal.
If you shift the time to 1 hour instead of 2 please at least allow draft picks to be made up - even still shifting to 1 hour might save you a few hours on the total draft - I doubt we'd have drafted any sooner.
Best of luck in the semis everyone!