tcochran wrote:Denorien wrote:jflatour99 wrote:PROPOSED RULE CHANGE
During the 1st round of any annual free agent draft or supplemental draft, the draft order of the first 4 picks will be determined by lottery.
tcochran - YES
jflatour99 - YES
A moderately common occurrence in our league is the trading of 'top' draft picks to teams with their own picks near the bottom of the draft. I am not particularly concerned with this. But...
I'd like to know the motivation behind this draft rule change. What are we trying to stop, limit, or control? Roster dumping is a known and legal tactic in the real life professional leagues. We just saw the NBA Nets trade Irving and Durant right up against the deadline. That Irving requested a trade (and maybe Durant did too after Irving left) is immaterial.
Why do we want this change? What does it accomplish for the league and managers?
I firmly believe in the concept of rebuilding -- such as my poor local MLB Tigers have been doing for a couple of years now -- however the idea of benching your best players troubles me. This is legal under our rules, so I did not call out lakeviewdave, however I would like to minimize the likelihood of this happening in the future.
I went to add a free agent when a couple of my guys were injured and was startled to see some quality players at the top of the Strat available players list. I'd like to promote a change to that practice. My thought is that if a number of teams were likely to get that coveted #1 pick, then nobody would feel compelled to race to the bottom.
I've had a lottery rule in each of the last few leagues I've started and everybody seems to be racing for the top, instead of the bottom.
I wrote this to both Terry and Dave privately. But, I now see it is in this topic and public.
It IS against the rules as written by Terry. MLB and the union would not allow it. I also think 365 wouldn't agree with it. Just my opinion.
"10) There are no specific rules against "roster dumping." Owners no longer in a pennant race can use their best judgment in determining the makeup of their team, provided that all general roster size limits are met. However, it is expected that all owners will act in the best interests of the game."
Dave hasn't 'roster dumped' - he's kept all of his best players and simply put them in the minors instead of playing them. They're still on his roster.
"Owners no longer in a pennant race can use their best judgment in determining the makeup of their team..."
Dave has made no roster changes, this year, and had all of his stars down in the minors from opening day. His team salary is ~$36M - fully $60M less than the next lowest. I am not calculating what salary is down in the minors, but I wouldn't be surprised if it approaches $100M. This wasn't a tactic employed after he was no longer in the pennant race, it was a tactic when he was 0 - 0 like everyone else - intended by his own admission to arrange drafting 1st while keeping the strength of his team at the same time.
"it is expected that all owners will act in the best interests of the game."
I am going to interpret this as best interests of the Summer Winter keeper league more so than the game. It is decidedly unfair to the other managers and perverts the level league framework Cochran tries to create and enforce. This tactic is not competitive and is at odds with the best interests of SWKL as it undermines the managers who have lesser teams and deserve to have higher draft picks after poor winning records. It also undermines the other good teams who are competing in good faith and will have to compete with Dave next year when he has both drafted 1st and brought all of his stars back up.
Finally, MLB does not allow teams carte blanche sending players to the minors except for injury / surgery rehab. This is roughly referred to as optioning and there are strict limits pretty much at all times with the most recent rule changes. Mistreatment and unreasonable retaliatory punishment of players is defended by the union and creates a lot of discontent with the rest of the team for management and ownership (which do not exist in our league).
I bet if Terry asked 365 what they think of this, they would say, "It is your league and you can do what you want, but it wouldn't be ok with us."
The desire to win (championships) is a baseline for all managers - all competitors. There is a long history of owners, teams, players, and even fans who want to win at all costs and will do anything to win. Breaking the spirit of competitive fair play isn't ok. There is an equally long history of fixes, ringers, and things like PEDs. Leagues and authorities contend with money / power and struggle to control competitive fair play. Also something that doesn't exist for us in SWKL. And, yet.
What are we going to do?