Best of the 90s- Season 2 end of regular season

Our Mystery Card games - Superstar Sixties, The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s, Dynamite 2000s

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Best of the 90s- Season 2 end of regular season

PostThu Feb 09, 2023 6:08 pm

Which team do you think was the best on the 90s? Have you ever wondered how a fellow owner would have managed your team based on the 1990s player set? Would they have given more at bats/innings pitched to a player you relegated to the bench? Did you stick with an underperforming player too long? Was there a trade that you made or didn’t make that could have changed the team trajectory? Do you have a favorite team and would like the ability to manage them? If so, this league is for you.

Using the Back to the 90s set, players were assigned to a team based on plate appearances or innings pitched from 1990 to 1999. Each team can only use players assigned to their team. All other players are ineligible with the exceptions described below. Trades are allowed

This theme will consist of two seasons so if you are interested, be aware that we will be playing two seasons in this theme.

Story in brief---here is the executive summary version of this league---full rules are included.

• Player set--- 1990’s--$100 million salary cap. DH; standard drop penalty
• Players are assigned to their team based on the highest number of plate appearances/innings pitched from 1990 to 1999. Details regarding the players associated with each team will be provided. Only players assigned to your chosen team can be used by your team. A small number of player additions were made to ensure teams could field a competitive team. Each team has at least 31 players available; the average is 33. Trades are allowed. Division assignment is based on team salary before any bonuses, not draft order.
• To compensate for the difference in team salaries, teams can use between $1.5 million to $22 million to add players to their roster after game 81 via an in-season draft. The exact amount for each team is detailed on the roster sheet. The draft will be for players from any team not selected/not eligible for selection. Three teams can add a pitcher with a maximum value of $1 million from players not assigned to a selected team to reach the minimum of 14 pitchers before the start of the season.
• Two season commitment---after season one, rosters reset to original rosters at time of original team selection. The same teams will play in season two but the owners will change. The owner of the team with best winning percentage in season 1 will take over the team with the lowest winning percentage in season 1. Owner of the team with second best winning percentage will take over the team with the second lowest winning percentage etc etc. All owners will manage a different team in the second season.


Full rules:

Player assignment is based solely on the Excel roster file----the team appearing on the card are not relevant for the purpose of player placement. Steps were taken to ensure the accuracy of data but if you detect an error please advise me prior to the team draft. Once the draft is initiated, no changes will be made to the player placements on their respective team even in case of an inadvertent error.

Based on the players included in the set, nine teams could not field a competitive team. Those nine teams are not eligible for selection. In order to achieve more competitive teams, some players from the following teams were judgmentally assigned to the remaining franchises to enhance competitive balance. Players who were assigned to a team despite having more bats/innings with another team are identified in red font on the roster sheet. The average number of players available to each team is 33. Teams have access to at least 14 pitchers (3 teams-the Brewers, Twins and Rangers currently have 13—if selected, owners of those three teams can add a pitcher not assigned to the roster of a selected team with a salary of up to $1 million during the preseason) and all teams have at least 2 catchers.

Here are the teams that will not be participating in this league

Arizona Diamondbacks
Baltimore Orioles
Boston Red Sox
California Angels
Colorado Rockies
Florida Marlins
Los Angeles Dodgers
Kansas City Royals
Tampa Bay Devil Rays

However, players from those teams may be available for some of the teams selected. More details on the criteria are described below.

Players set: Back to the 90s
Salary cap: $100 million
DH: Yes
Since the rosters are already established, we will use the frenzy option and will have 3 days after the draft/before the start of the season.
Drop penalty: Standard---5/10/20
Stadium: Each team will play in the stadium of their team
Team Name: Use the actual team name so opponents are easy to identify
Division assignment: The teams with the 4 highest player salaries prior to any bonuses as detailed on the roster sheet will comprise the East; the teams with the lowest 4 player salaries will comprise the west while the remaining 4 teams will comprise the central.

Example: The Minnesota Twins have the lowest team salary at a little over $60 million dollars. If the owner with the first pick selects the Twins, the Twins will play in the West division. The Yankees have the highest player salary at just over $99 million. If they are picked with the last selection, they will play in the East division.

Team draft: A randomizer will be used to establish the draft order.

Season 1—you draft your favorite team. Division assignment is based on the combined team salary detailed in the roster sheet NOT on the draft position.

Only players listed on the roster sheet or acquired by trade are eligible to be added to the roster other than the mid-season acquisition. All roster changes must be from the players associated with your team.

Team assignment—year two

The same teams used for season 1 will be used in season 2. The division assignment will remain the same. Rosters reset to the starting point of season 1 prior to any trades. After the rosters revert to the original roster configuration, owners are then able to make any trades/make roster changes consistent with the rules used in season 1.

While the same teams will be used in the second season, the owners will change. The team that has the best winning percentage will become the owner of the team with the worst winning percentage. The team with the second best winning percentage will take over as owner of the team with the second worst winning percentage etc etc. If two teams have the same record, If the teams are still tied, head to head record will be used. If the tie remains, overall run differential will be used to break the tie and determine the order.

Mid Season Acquisition allowance:

After game 75, a draft will be held for all players who are not assigned to the 12 teams in the league. Owners can use up to the amount detailed on the player roster Excel sheet or their available cash—whichever amount is less--- to acquire additional players for their roster. These players can be added to the roster after the conclusion of game 81 and becomes the exclusive property to the drafting owner. This player can be traded to another team if desired.

The allowance for each team is detailed in the Excel sheet containing rosters—the allowance amount is detailed on the “summary” worksheet in the column titled “bonus ”. The amounts range from $1,500,000 for the teams with the 5 highest salaries to
$22,000,000 for the Minnesota Twins. Each owner can decide how to allocate the funds—for example, for one or multiple players. The players drafted can be traded if desired.

Draft order-Mid Season Acquisition: The draft order will be established in reverse order of the standings as of game 75. In the event of ties, the order will be determined based on head to head records (two teams) or run differential (three or more teams). The team with fewer wins in the head to head competition will receive the earlier pick. If 3 or more teams are tied based on records, the team with the worse run differential will receive the higher pick. If the tiebreakers described above does not resolve the tie, a randomizer will be run to establish the order of selection.

Since we will only have two days between the establishment of the draft order and the players becoming eligible, each participant will have a 2 hour window to post their selection via a league wide e-mail. We will use the hours between 8 AM and 8 PM EDT. If a pick is not made, the owner with the next pick can post their selection. If you believe you won’t have access to the SOM site, please consider sending your selection to the commissioner or a person selecting after you. If you are unable to post your pick, you can select your eligible player when you can or simply add your selection after game 81.

Example: The Chicago Cubs and New York Yankees are among the teams selected in this league. Via the draft, the Cubs can use up to $18 million to select any player who is not assigned to the roster of the 12 selected teams. The Cubs can add as many players as desired investing up to $18 million. The Yankees can use up to $1.5 million to acquire the player(s) of their choice. However, if the Yankees only have $1 million in cash available, they can only acquire a player with a salary of $1 million.

Managing the salary cap:

Please remember that you will need to effectively manage the salary cap to comply with SOM roster rules. The Yankees in particular will likely require some creative decision making. This could include trades to reduce salaries of back up players.

Players on the roster of teams not selected are ineligible for the entire season. See important note below for exceptions. So, if nobody selects the Cincinnati Reds, Eric Davis will not be eligible to participate in the league unless he is selected in the supplemental draft.
Players can be added/dropped as often as desired consistent with SOM salary rules.
Players dropped remain available only to the team listed on the roster sheet. (Example—the owner of the New York Yankees drops Roberto Kelly. Roberto remains the property of the Yankees. The owner can release/re-activate him as often as desired subject to SOM rules.)

To assist with your research on team selection, the win/loss record and the number of playoff appearances/world series wins for each eligible team on the “summary” worksheet

Sign up --please send me a message with your e-mail address in order to receive an Excel file detailing each teams rosters.

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
Last edited by JJB92 on Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 40 times in total.


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 10, 2023 3:03 pm

This sounds like an interesting league----I'm in. I sent my e-mail via a private message--I look forward to seeing the rosters.
1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 10, 2023 4:21 pm

I am in. I believe you have my email Joe, if not shoot me a DM and i'll send it again. This theme is to good to pass up!

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 10, 2023 5:12 pm

The roster sheet is flying through cyberspace on its way to you. 8-)

I am in. I believe you have my email Joe, if not shoot me a DM and i'll send it again. This theme is to good to pass up!

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 10, 2023 10:36 pm

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736


  • Posts: 527
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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostThu Feb 16, 2023 11:45 pm

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736
6. Bigdinkent

I believe I sucked at this theme in the 2000s. Maybe 90s will be better. :D


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 17, 2023 7:45 am

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736
6. Bigdinkent
7. Fench33


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostFri Feb 17, 2023 10:13 am

Welcome Big and Fench--I'll send the roster sheet to you via your e-mail.........

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736
6. Bigdinkent
7. Fench33


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Re: New league----Best of the 90s—two seasons with a twist

PostMon Feb 20, 2023 8:08 pm

]Welcome Big and Fench--I'll send the roster sheet to you via your e-mail.........

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736
6. Bigdinkent
7. Fench33


  • Posts: 148
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Re: New league-Best of the 90s—2 seasons w/a twist-5 spots l

PostMon Feb 20, 2023 10:05 pm

1. JJB82
2. Burley Norseman
3. NewGuy1912
4. Nol15736
6. Bigdinkent
7. Fench33
9. generationm1

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