2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostThu Mar 09, 2023 2:00 pm

I’ve contacted Strat-O-Matic to get started on organizing this year’s Player’s Championship. This message is just to get some preliminary information out there, before the official page gets posted.

My plan is to run the Tournament much as it has been done in the last couple of years. That is, there will be no sign-up thread or assignment to leagues. We will just fill leagues one at a time (or two if there is a choice of league parameters).

I’ve read through much of the forum to see some of the issues that have been discussed. One topic that has had a lot of discussion is the 3-round draft (used for semis and finals), and in general the “reward” for earning a higher seed in the semis. At this time, I have decided to stick to last year’s approach, and I just hope that I can do as well as Jeepdriver did at moving the drafts along. I read a lot of good arguments for change and will consider that in future years, but I feel the need to make minimal changes in my first year.

I also read some concern about the range of league start-dates within an event. Concern was especially for Event 5 since that causes a long delay, for some, from the conclusion of Event 5 to the beginning of the semis. This year, I will partially address this by narrowing the window for entry into Event 5. We’ll see if that helps.

I also wanted to make a change to the parameters for Event 5. Last year, Event 5 was 80M no DH. Since the actual 2022 season had all teams playing with a DH, I’m not sure I like a no DH event. I don’t mind the Event 3 option, since it is an option. I could have made Event 5 an option too, but I’m also a little leery of that since if would potentially increase the need for fillers. As I mentioned above, I don’t want delays in getting the leagues in Event 5 started. So, I landed on $90M DH, just to create a slightly different set of parameters.

The following is my preliminary schedule.

Event 1 – 80M DH
Open: Saturday, April 15
No new leagues after: Monday, April 24, 6 pm
Deadline to enter: Tuesday, April 25, 6 pm

Event 2 – 80M DH or 100M DH
Open: Saturday, May 6
No new leagues after: Monday, May 15, 6 pm
Deadline to enter: Tuesday, May 16, 6 pm

Event 3 – 60M No DH or 60M DH
Open: Saturday, June 3
No new leagues after: Monday, June 12, 6 pm
Deadline to enter: Tuesday, June 13, 6 pm

Event 4 – 100M DH
Open: Saturday, July 1
No new leagues after: Monday, July 10, 6 pm
Deadline to enter: Tuesday, July 11, 6 pm

Event 5 – 90M DH
Open: Saturday, July 29
No new leagues after: Thursday, August 3, 6 pm
Deadline to enter: Friday, August 4, 6 pm

(In events 1-2, entries after the deadline are welcome from anyone until the final league fills, if the late-arriving participant is also in an earlier league, they will be considered a filler. In events 3 – 5, all entries after the deadline will be considered fillers)
Last edited by barrmorris on Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostThu Mar 09, 2023 10:06 pm

Thank you for taking over! I think you’re right— this year’s PC seemed like Jeep ran it very well and seemed to go pretty smoothly. I agree with your analysis on the DH as well. Only comment would be why have any non-dh leagues since mlb doesn’t and didn’t last year? Even as an option? I’d guess all pitchers will be 1W rated? (Or at least they should.)

Thanks again!


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostThu Mar 09, 2023 11:09 pm

I agree with randal64--just make league 3 60M DH.

The only other suggestion I would make is hold the deadline for event one open an extra week and maybe slip event two back one week to try to get as many managers as possible into the tournament. 4 teams qualify for semis, so technically event two close is deadline for any manager aspiring to make a semi-final league.

This puts three weeks between events 2 and 3, but schedule has 3 weeks between events 1 and 2, so in a way 6 of one and half-dozen of the other--but the tournament is better with more teams in, and better for Strat too.

Events 3,4, and 5 couldn't be timed any better.


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostSun Mar 19, 2023 7:38 pm

Glad to hear I didn't miss it this time.

Will be joining gladly once signups get going.



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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostMon Mar 20, 2023 10:26 am

cummings2 wrote:Glad to hear I didn't miss it this time.

Will be joining gladly once signups get going.


Glad to hear it.

As a note to first-timers and those more familiar with the awesome organization of mighty moose and Juiced JC, this tournament does not have a sign-up thread. Leagues are opened one at a time and you just jump in with a code provided on this forum.


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostMon Mar 20, 2023 3:15 pm

What will be the card set?


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan



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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostMon Mar 20, 2023 5:29 pm

Thanks Palmtana, and in case anyone was wondering - it will not be the unleashed set.


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostMon Mar 20, 2023 11:21 pm

barrmorris wrote:As a note to first-timers and those more familiar with the awesome organization of mighty moose and Juiced JC, this tournament does not have a sign-up thread. Leagues are opened one at a time and you just jump in with a code provided on this forum.

As you noted, leagues are typically opened one at a time for each event, as needed, and we 'jump in', but there was a sign up thread each year in the past - here is the thread for 2022 - http://forum.365.strat-o-matic.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=651417. Are you not going with the sign up this year? I thought it provided a defined list of participants, for whatever purpose (maybe there wasn't a purpose). It just seems odd to me since we've had a sign up each year. Personally I like how Juiced JC has done the Mystery tournament, with the structure of each league defined in advance....but I know that hasn't been done for the PC tournament in the past and don't really expect it now.


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Re: 2023 Players Championship - Preliminary Plan

PostTue Mar 21, 2023 8:42 am

I agree with you - I like Juiced JC's running of the Mystery Tournament (or the use of email by mighty moose for Barnstormers). I also like having all of the events start at the same time. If I survive this year, I'll look at that for next year. As far as I can tell, the sign-up thread served no purpose. I don't think any follow-up personal messages were sent. Since I don't want anyone thinking that signing-up means that they are in the Tournament, I'm not going to have a thread this year.

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