Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:24 am
Liverpool Clowns keepers (12) Ugh, picking 2nd to last, except there is an odd way to look at it..., as a consequence of being penalized for success.
George Mullin
Lefty Leifield
Tom Hughes
Rube Benton
Charley Hall
Wally Schang
Bill Sweeney
Jose Mendez
Donnie Bush
Howie Shanks
Tris Speaker
Danny Murphy
I am dropping my stadium, Bennett
Thinking of myself as 2nd to last in every round is harsh.... How about I am forfeiting my 1st round draft pick as a consequence of winning --- and, I am picking 1st in every round thereafter.
Like this:
BASIC DRAFT SEQUENCE after the 1st round*
17. denorien
18. unctarheel
1. willmurr24
2. barterer2002
3. chilliards
4. Sknsfan/Twisted Arms
5. tcochran/Metopolitans
6. jflatour99
7. Hamilton17/Raccoons
8. waynick
9. max_fischer
10. tcochran/Grays
11. Sknsfan/Over the Tops
12. fredpaii
13. dharmabums/Ravens
14. Hamilton17/Pandas
15. jodynadu
16. dharmabums/Bobcats