Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:05 pm
Drafts are done, our teams will draft tonight, and I believe they start play on Monday night. I have entered all the draft picks including prospects and stadiums on the league spread sheet. PLEASE check it for errors, I'm only human. If you find an error, please post it HERE so everyone can know what it is and I 'll fix it as soon as I'm able. I will be out of touch (mostly) for the next three days, especially Monday.
I hope this year was a bit less painful than years past, thank you all for getting it done.
I have two more small favors to ask,
1, When posting trades, please use your screen names and not team names. I do not have then memorized and with the number of leagues I'm in (some of them with many of you) I have no desire to committing them to memory.
2, In a similar vein, when discussing stadiums, please use the city, I used to know all the parks by names, but with the way they change names due to sponsorship deals, that's gone out the window.
We'll vote on the change to stadium rules starting on Tuesday.
Happy Easter, enjoy the holiday!