Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:08 pm
I was reminded we need to do a stadium draft so post your intentions to keep your current stadium or drop it.
1 mlbphan - KEEP
2 Chasenally - KEEP
3 Paul_Long71 - KEEP
4 nythawk - DROP
5 unctarheel - DROP
6 lakeviewdave - KEEP
7 Ninersphan - KEEP
8 klx22 - KEEP
9 Heekin65 - KEEP
10 sociophil - KEEP
11 wjs6768 - keep
12 SteveF - DROP (upon research it HAS been 3 years)
& can we look at the current ballpark/stadium rules & clean that contradictory mess up??
1) one part of the rule says ballparks are unique & belong to said owner for the duration of the league
2) another part of the rule says stadiums/ballparks can be changed once every three years (six SOMO seasons)
3) & still another part says there will be a ballpark draft after the FA draft every year & owners must make their intentions know. PRIOR to the FA draft.
I kept bringing up these contradictory rules last year & got nothing but crickets when I raised these points
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!