What doesn't sit right with me is the minimal NERP upgrade for better arms. It's clearest when looking at the SAME T-rating like the chart above:
nels52 wrote:
Here's the NERP values for all levels of throwers at the same T-10 rating (just can't post ALL in this clunky format:
(-5) T-10 ---- -0.96 NERP
(-4) T-10 ---- -0.76 NERP
(-3) T-10 ---- -0.56 NERP
(-2) T-10 ---- -0.32 NERP
(-1) T-10 ---- 0.00 NERP
(0) T-10 ---- 0.44 NERP
(+1) T-10 ---- 1.04 NERP
(+2) T-10 ---- 1.74 NERP
(+2) T-10 ---- 2.44 NERP
A 0.2 NERP
upgrade for each arm upgrade (for the super cannons like -3s, -4s and -5s) doesn't seem big enough. Going from that (-3) to a (+1) does net you an
additional "1.6 NERP" which still seems pretty low? This is with a
higher SB success rate of 70% vs childsmwc's suggested 65%. 70% would produce higher gains for throwing so... **Should the SB success rate stay the same for ALL throwers?
Apparently T-rating can produce as much or more value than arm: Going from a (-4) to a (-3) thrower would get you that 0.2 NERP, but going from a (-3), T-5 to a (-3), T-0 would net you 0.22 NERP.....