Congrats to the playoff teams.
Here are the luck factors. Better late than never I guess?
- Code: Select all
Mgr .. . SI HR 1-R Pyt Rolls UE/E Inj Luck Fctr
Millerm +5% +12% +15 +3 +0.4% 57% -3 5
Semper. +4% -0% +6 +5 -0.7% 10% +9 3
Hawk... +4% -3% +1 +4 -1.2% 48% -49 1.5
Jeep... -0% -7% -3 +6 +1.4% 26% +53 0
BigA... +5% +4% -6 -2 +0.6% 53% +7 -0.5
stevep. -6% -4% -1 -3 +0.0% 47% -36 -0.5
KLX.... +2% +4% +3 -2 +0.3% 55% +24 -1
Randal. +1% -13% -8 -4 -0.2% 15% -47 -1.5
Stoney. +1% -13% +5 -4 +0.7% 31% +13 -2
JTJ.... -11% -0% -1 -1 -1.4% 30% -2 -2.5
Spider. -6% -6% -6 -2 -0.1% 39% -25 -2.5
dale... -3% -13% -5 +2 +0.1% 54% -18 -3
Miller and Semper were the luckiest. Miller crushed in HRs and one runners and to a lesser extent with singles. He *was* unlucky with his error to unearned ratio however. Semper had advantages with singles, one run, pythag and unearned run ratio.
On the other side were Dale, JTJ, and, much to my surprise, Spider. Dale had a large HR diff as well as one runner. JTJ had a very large single diff and couldn't roll on his card for beans. Spider was behind in both bp numers as well as one runners.
Jeep was either up or down in most categories. Up with rolls and pythat, but down with HRs and Injuries.
Fielding comparison. This seems to have the least variation of all the ratings. Nobody was really that far off of what you would expect.
- Code: Select all
Fieldng FRt Rtg F% Dif
Dale... 86 1 2 -1 E
SemperG 329 4 3 1 C
BigAlrc 413 5 5 0 C
Spider. 459 5 6 -1 W
Stoney. 461 5 5 0 C
JoeTJet 531 6 6 0 W
hawk... 627 7 6 1 E
stevep. 665 8 7 1 C
KLX.... 695 8 9 -1 W
Randal. 724 8 7 1 E
Jeep... 794 9 9 0 W
Millerm 898 11 10 1 E
Draft order for NLD 63 (assuming all are back) The playoff teams obviously can change their order based on performance. Interesting that there are no ties this time around.
dalekeener 66
stevep107 68
BigAlric 74
randal64 76
Jeepdriver 78
klx22 80
joethejet 81
nythawk129921 83
milleram 89
Spider 67 90
Semper Gumby 93
Stoney18 94