Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:46 pm
I've played this online game for 14 years now, ever since I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and decided that I needed a new hobby to help me relax. So okay, I don't always relax when I see how poorly some of my teams are playing. On the other hand, as Don (padrenurgle1) wrote one time, many of you guys are my closest friends, even though we have never met in the past and are unlikely to ever meet in the future.
Many of you have followed me from one league to the other over the years and I've always been grateful for that. Jean-Francois, for example, has won titles in almost every league of mine that he has played. I have envied his success but have always welcomed his participation.
I sent JF a PM yesterday, when I learned of his loss, so will not repeat it here. I think this is a good moment, though, to remind all of us that this is just a game, that we play on the side, as life sweeps us along. Life is just too short to be so tense about our encounters here. Let's have some fun. Play ball!