Please respond to message regarding returning for next season in 2000s Keeper League - 24 team. It isn't urgent to join right now but we need to see if replacement owners are needed.
Last edited by franky35 on Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
if neither owner responds by tomorrow at noon, DSZCZYPKA can pick either one. It is a complete keeper league, so you keep the entire roster. During the preseason you can make moves. This will be season 2. Same rules for season 3. Then we have a complete 26 round redraft.
killermarc has joined. So that leaves only HoustonMetFan. He has to respond (not necessarily join, just respond) by noon today or his team goes to DSZCZYPKA if he wants it. I'll send DSZCZYPKA the join code after noon Central Time.