XHowser Jr. sjudd goffchile Steve F Mattw0909 xx-me Max Power chaberlal
Depending on how it goes, I could shift it to a 24 team league to not leave anyone out. Will start polling on some league parameters when it gets closer but if any prefs, you can repost this message and put prefs next to your name (cap, DH, single park for all, live or auto draft, etc)
I'd love to play against the experts. I've had some good coaching from rich and Frankie so maybe I can put it to good use. Appreciate the consideration.
XHowser Jr. sjudd goffchile Steve F Mattw0909 xx-me Max Power chaberlal Hack Wilson BC15NY roniwas Eric O
This is 12...but if anyone else chimes in, on the scratch list or not, we can support a 24-teamer if OK with the group. Keep it going guys! Good to hear Hack, Bill; cheers...and roniwas absolutely--open to all and welcome aboard Steve--yup won't be until after Thanksgiving