Super 6 franchise league looking for 1 more team

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Super 6 franchise league looking for 1 more team

PostSun Nov 19, 2023 10:08 pm

1) Indians, WhiteSox, Tigers, Mets

At waivers, Rangers, Angels, Expos, Astros, Phillies, Rockies, O's, and pre-1900 orphan players (Ex: Sweeney, Hecker, Barnes) are free agents. You may choose to auto draft any player that has a card for one of your franchises. If the player has ANY card for your franchise, you may choose to use ANY card the player has. If a player has cards for both a selected franchise and an unused franchise, and that player is not taken in the auto draft he is considered a free agent. Example: If the Giants did not draft Keefe in the auto draft, at waivers and beyond, anyone else could claim him because he also has a card from an unused franchise, Troy. Similarly, if you drop a player from your roster and he has a card for an unused team, anyone can then claim that player. If you get a player in the auto draft that is not carded to one of your franchises and/or is eligible to be a free agent, you must try to drop that player as soon as possible and before the waiver draft. If you have more than one such player, please drop the highest priced player and see if you can trade any other(s) to a team that can drop them for you. Traded players are not restricted by franchise so long as both teams have the rights to the players they are trading away. Trading away a player trades all of your rights to that player, so if the player is released into the free agent pool you may not claim that player back. However if the player had split franchise rights, the team that did not trade away those rights could claim them. Example: If the Yankees traded Gehrig to the Dodgers, and the Dodgers released Gehrig into the FA pool, only the Dodgers could claim him back. However if the Yankees traded Reggie Jackson to the Dodgers, and the Dodgers released him, while the Yankees could not claim him, the A's or the Angles could, in addition to the Dodgers. You may choose any ballpark. Transactions are unlimited in type and number. Please label your team name with the franchise you picked so others know what teams are still available.

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