MEAT wrote:Couple of house cleaning notes as we finally near end of Round One, since Im defacto commish. Same rules as posted in roster sheet, until and unless someone proposes changes and wins super majority vote (8).
Divisions are set up 1/4/7/10, 2/5/8/11, 3/6/9/12 so plan accordingly.
End of round one is last chance to announce stadium change since its such a disjointed start and welcoming splinter. Otherwise stadium rules as posted
Hey Gary...thanks for stepping in. I'm going to propose we have the 4 playoff teams from the previous season in the East and then by record 5-12 for the Central and West. The above wasn't followed for Season 1. If it were, then the East would've been pjk (1), you (4), ycbill (7) and tcochran (10), Central should've been jmlopp (2), myself (5), Rant (8) and traderider (11) and Terry101, Chris, Randy and Ben in the West. Thanks again