Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

Moderator: Palmtana

Support for wish list enhancements for 365--all, some or none (SEE BELOW)

Option 1- Interactive, dynamic stats pages (only)
Option 2- On-demand league simulation (only)
Option 3- Both option 1 and 2
Option 4- Neither of these whether free or not
Option 5- Either option is fine, but with the caveat that I wouldn't pay an additional penny for anything
Total votes : 40

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Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSat Dec 23, 2023 9:41 am

For Christmas, I have my two front teeth and probably more of everything else a person could ask for.
But yet, before I take a short SOM365 respite, I part with a couple quick ideas for a wish list and will send to SOM. Do you have any?
BTW--SOM was gracious enough to ask for feedback when I gave away some credits...I know they take heat but this is the epitome of a small family business--I am rooting for their success and appreciate that they even exist.

For my use cases at least, I am curious about non-player pool limiting stuff, ie not only ATG or 20xx or whatever. Think bigger--bring the community together out of its bunkers types of things. Things that make their revenue and product engagement scalable. It simply is only scalable by volume right now. i.e., there are no add-ons.

1. Interactive, dynamic statistics page(s). The beauty of baseball, and any baseball sim for enthusiasts, is the statistics. I want to interact with every bit of it--filter it, turn it upside down, combine data fields into new compound indices. I want all the stats that the Windows based game gives. Maybe export the stats so it can be manipulated in a spreadsheet. No, I don't care how many times a batter was hit in the league stats, and why do I see DP numbers or park effect numbers that do not accurately represent what I am looking for particular to a team or situation? But someone else might. Anyway, the beauty of this is it allows the consumer to interact with the product in any way they wish. It would re-inspire my interaction with the game. It would also not be trivial--so maybe a premium could be charged because it would seem they may need infrastructure changes to allow dynamic database calls.

2. On-demand league simulation. For a greatly reduced price, why not allow players to simulate a league where they control all the rosters and cannot compete for a prize, using any card sets they wish? I think this is like "renting" time. The difference from the windows game is you have all the cards available. They could dedicate a separate server cluster to this so that it does not pose risk of processing demand spikes on the daily scheduled runs. I don't know what it is--maybe $3 a season or whatever--they would have to do the MR on that. But I would dump a few coin into that slot. Especially if I could save configurations and tweak the runs--like an ensemble.

Both of these things could be subscription based...seems it could reinvigorate their revenue model.
But all I am wondering about is the ENDS part here, not the WAYS or the MEANS. Like a use case exploration. I'm not saying anything should or shouldn't be an additional fee--that's for the business to decide based on their own market research.
Last edited by FrankieT on Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSun Dec 24, 2023 1:42 pm

Most brillant propositions buddy...

SOM will have, at one time or another, listen to those guys who are not only experimented GOATS with the game. but also thinkers who have despaired with this hate/love relationship,

Unfortunately, many have decided to quit the boat for some time or ever because of frustration...

You're one more unfortunate example of it my friend...

And football is even worse...

We can better these Ol'Games we all love !!!

Ideas are there !!!

In the meantime, I'm priledged to be in your last league...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood...



Do something about it...


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSun Dec 24, 2023 4:01 pm

Haha--cheers Chuck--gracious as always--but I am not leaving in a huff nor is it permanent. I did it after ATG 4 as well and came back in ATG 8.
If I had to guess, I bet this is going to be a year off to let the fun-fire take on some new kindling.

That's why I didn't want to make some kind of grand announcement like some have done--I don't really have a bone to pick and it is merely my own reinvigoration that needs bolstering. And the people around these parts are mostly great folks so of course this won't be permanent unless SOMO withers away.

As for the GOATs comment part of it--that's actually not applicable in my case and that is OK.
And funny enough--if you really look at their revenue model...they haven't gotten much out of me. 125 ish teams since 2003-2004. And maybe almost 50 of those were credits earned. so let's say 80 paid teams, which were always at a discount...that ain't much revenue in 20 years. You can do the math.

Funnier yet, I would have added more entertainment $ to them if there were a reason for me besides sheer volume of play. So for what I have gotten out of this game, I think it has been a GRAND bargain so far. But I am not in the business of helping private businesses with charity, so back to your point--if they think outside the box, I may happily jump in later with more commitment. And others that permanently did a swan song may come back too. That would be good.

So, this is more of a sabbatical and I can't promise I won't occasionally lurk on the boards to see what's shakin'. Not as an alt or something though--will be the same ol' FrankieT login. I'll also let everyone know how SOM receives whatever feedback is given--I plan to let the poll go a while until the responses die off. Will be fun to see how it rolls out on final.

Blessings to yall and if blessings are offensive then whatever is most suitable for acceptance of a general wish of goodwill. Peace!


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSun Dec 24, 2023 7:49 pm

Don't take this personally, but I'd rather to be able to set different team steal settings for 2b, 3b, and home before much of anything else.


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSun Dec 24, 2023 11:03 pm

bkeat23 wrote:Don't take this personally, but I'd rather to be able to set different team steal settings for 2b, 3b, and home before much of anything else.

Agree-biggest flaw in the game


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostSun Dec 24, 2023 11:12 pm

oh geez, you mean me or Charles to take it personally? No way. Not sure why I would--the premise of the post was to ask for everyone else to make their case and even includes a poll--and not a rigged one :)
I made my case--but I'm interested to see what is out there for ideas for my own curiosity. Send out a poll and get offended?--not my style!

But I did say wishes, i.e., big things.

Personally I think what you mention is worthy of effort, and not in my opinion the biggest flaw in the game--geez that is a competitive list.
But IMO (and now I think I don't need to say 'don't take this personally' since no one should take a different opinion personally... ;) ) but it is tweaking the inside of the current game and a different class of action. That is, those things wouldn't change the product in a fundamental way.

Now, I wouldn't mind those things either, in addition to lots of other gameplay things, but in terms of scope, it isn't something that is going to change SOM's current product. Which is fine--I am just thinking broader.
They do get to the smaller stuff over time--just takes a while. Like the lineups interface, search interface, 80M actuals, separating the player choices from the individual cards to the team hitter/pitcher page settings, the event bars under the cards, etc. Small tweaks but theyve added up over many years.

I guess Baseball Max may supposed to be something big and new in that regard, but its premise didn't appeal to me (from what I know) because it appears less rigorous than SOM, but I guess we will see in a year.



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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostMon Dec 25, 2023 12:10 am

Now as I was just responding on another thread, if you ask me what the biggest flaw of the game is (and you didn't but I offer it anyway!)--as I said, there are many things. But a big one for me is the 30 X chances that are on every pitcher card.

There is no sensible reason for a guy who pitches to contact to have the same margin of defensive impact as a guy who pitches to walks, HRs, Ks. Maybe 30 is high for some guys, low for others.

I know why that is done mathematically--because the problem of replaying a season becomes difficult to converge on a solution than when you fix those chances. It is a coarse approach but you lose some texture of the game.


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostMon Dec 25, 2023 11:02 am

my biggest complaint is injuries..Ive bithched about this over and over but if you invest a player who you pay $8 million and another manager invests $2 million and the $8 million is injured 20 games and the $2 million is injured 1 game that for me is unacceptable...in all honesty ive continued to play this for the mental diversion from everyday life and my love for baseball stats ...1 other thing I would change is after the season starts make it so you can make as many moves as you like as long as you stay under the league salary cap...some of us like to make moves to keep interested and if you are in the bottom it keeps you interested


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostMon Dec 25, 2023 7:24 pm

I can think of 1 thing... many in reality but 1 that...

Not being able to set your team strategy game-per-game...

It's a big disadvantage to teams that play smallball...

You need to carry at least 1 SP with a very good hold rating... or Ivan Rodriguez... :lol: :lol: :lol: ... to keep SB teams at bay...


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Re: Wish List to Santa SOM365 (incl poll)

PostWed Dec 27, 2023 5:30 pm

As a veteran keeper league commish, I have asked often over the years to have Strat provide tools for keepers -- roster updates between seasons, drafts, etc.

I would be happy if they did that, even if they only allowed one standard set of keeper league rules to apply to such leagues.

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