Reminder - Be patient waiting for leagues to fill

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Juiced JC

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Reminder - Be patient waiting for leagues to fill

PostWed Jan 17, 2024 4:30 pm

Just a friendly reminder to everyone to be patient waiting for league members to join. I get it, I am a player too and I really want to get to the draft, but there really is no hurry. There is a long 2 week period between the league assignments and opening day each round. If your league drafts quickly, that's great, but it means you'll have a really long pre-season between waivers and opening day. If you wait a while now for your league to draft, it means you'll have less waiting later then some other leagues. We're all on the same schedule. And remember, I've given until Sunday for everyone to join. People have different situations. Some people have work or family commitments that make it so that they can only set up their draft list on certain days. Some people are waiting for a pay day to buy a credit. Lots of different situations. So please be patient. We don't need to be paging people until it's the last day of the joining period. I've already sent direct messages to everyone who hasn't joined yet, as a reminder. And if they don't surface, all leagues will still draft in time to have waivers before the season, even if it means putting replacements or fillers in place.

Having said all that, if you have not yet joined your league, but are aware of your league assignment and know that you will be joining later in the week, please post that on the Discussion Forum or let your league closer know so that they can inform the other league members via the league messages on the main 365 site.

We're in good shape at this point - a few leagues have 12 in and are ready to draft, several others have 11 or 10 joined. We only have one league with less than 10 joined now. Remember to set your team as "Ready for Draft" once your draft list is ready to that you do not hold up the draft unnecessarily. But again, if there are people in your league not yet ready, be patient as maybe they had time to join the league but did not have time to set a draft list.

Although we are still hopeful that everyone who signed up will join, If you are on the waiting list - stay tuned - we may need you next week to take a spot.

Juiced JC


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Re: Reminder - Be patient waiting for leagues to fill

PostThu Jan 18, 2024 4:57 pm

Agreed. Even if as in my current league (#9) everybody has joined, yet some have not marked themselves ready. That may be due to not yet being ready roster-wise, or simply waiting so that they can be available when waivers go through so that they can make any post-waiver adjustments immediately. For myself, that does not much matter as I am generally available at 5 pm EST, except for possibly Sundays.

All leagues will eventually draft, and as someone once said, "Patience is a virtue".

Juiced JC

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Re: Reminder - Be patient waiting for leagues to fill

PostFri Jan 19, 2024 8:37 am

I think waiting so that they are available for waivers would be incredibly selfish. Although I've been preaching patience, I do want to point out that there is an expectation that people are setting themselves as ready as soon as their draft list is set. It's a good time to remind everyone that we could replace people if they are past the deadline and not yet set as ready, even if they have joined the league.


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Re: Reminder - Be patient waiting for leagues to fill

PostSat Jan 20, 2024 12:59 pm

I am not saying that people are or should do such, but I can see it as a possibility. It could also simply be roster adjustments, and if a deadline is still two, or four, or even one, days away; why not take the extra time to explore more possible combinations with added research? Although, if too many did such a thing it could devolve into a situation of people marking ready and unready for different days, and I don't even want to contemplate the difficulties that could create.

Personally, I've made a few changes since setting as ready. But if I don't set than I may forget, and at some point I simply have to go with what I've got or risk over-complicating the entire thing, personally.

I don't pretend to know what others think, I have enough trouble keeping track of what I think.

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