D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostSat Feb 03, 2024 9:16 pm

Right after the new set drops. I’ll post a thread for keepers and prospect promotions/cuts when the new cards come out


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostSun Feb 04, 2024 5:19 pm


seanreflex trades:

Giancarlos Stanton DH NYY
Quinn Priester SP PIT

to Muck for:

Muck's 2024 6th Rd FA Pick.

Craig to confirm and post drop if required.


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostSun Feb 04, 2024 9:21 pm

seanreflex wrote:TRADE:

seanreflex trades:

Giancarlos Stanton DH NYY
Quinn Priester SP PIT

to Muck for:

Muck's 2024 6th Rd FA Pick.

Craig to confirm and post drop if required.


Eddie E

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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 3:46 pm

Taking a first look at my roster leads me to believe that I can afford to trade:

Nick Castellanos (Very, very nice card vs LH pitching)
Julio Urias (Not a good card but charges were dropped against him so he will be back without the legal hassles on his mind) perfect for a noncontender looking to get a #1/#2 starter for next year
Robert Suarez Relly,, really low hits and on base to both sides but 6 diamonds to lefties and 3 diamonds to righties. Perfect for a contender in a pitchers park.


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 4:55 pm

The LA DA decided not to pursue felony charges against Urias. It's now up to the City Attorney to decide whether to charge him with a misdemeanor. Also, MLB will certainly suspend him for a lengthy period of time since it's his 2nd domestic violence incident. All to say, he may or may not pitch this year.


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 5:03 pm

Palmtana wrote:The LA DA decided not to pursue felony charges. It's now up to the City Attorney to decide whether to charge him with a misdemeanor. Also, MLB will certainly suspend him for a lengthy period of time since it's his 2nd domestic violence incident.

I agree with this. I'm a Dodger fan pretty enthusiastically. Last season, when it was announced that Urias was being investigated, the team removed all referenced to Urias in their media and promotional material, including actual painted murals at the stadium very quickly and did not even attempt to make any kind of offer to him in free agency. The team expects Urias to miss considerable time, regardless of what the DA and City Attorney decide to do. There is an expected forthcoming suspension from MLB, and he is still not signed with a team.

Which really bites because he is my SP Ace and staff anchor in my other year-to-year keeper team AND on my fantasy baseball dynasty team. :(

Eddie E

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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 5:48 pm

Sorry guys, wasnt trying to mislead anyone. I had read that all charges were dropped so I assumed (I know, I know) that he would be right back pitching this year. You can take him off the list but I will be tempted to hold onto him.


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 6:06 pm

Eddie E wrote:Sorry guys, wasnt trying to mislead anyone. I had read that all charges were dropped so I assumed (I know, I know) that he would be right back pitching this year. You can take him off the list but I will be tempted to hold onto him.

Oh, I didn't think you were being misleading. We're just talking baseball here. It occurs to me now that my comments may have tanked the value of your guy. Not my intention at all. I apologize for that.

I think Urias has Cy Young caliber STUFF and the potential to be an impact lefty for several seasons, I just don't know how soon it's going to be. He still isn't signed anywhere and there could be anywhere from 60 to 162 game that he misses due to a suspension at some point (MAYBE). I could be misremembering, but I thought that 81 was the normative amount on a 2nd time violation ... ? ???

Half a season of Urias in MLB could translate to an 8M card here in SOM if he stays sharp. He's a LH SP with decent K rates and tremendous arsenal of pitches. So, if you want to keep him or trade him, it could well be worth a flier.


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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostWed Feb 07, 2024 6:11 pm

While we’re on a similar subject, Trevor Bauer was cleared of all wrongdoing as well.
Seems like a guy that should get signed.

Eddie E

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Re: D2D trash talk and draft comments thread

PostThu Feb 22, 2024 5:36 pm

If anyone is interested, there is another 24 team league with an opening. They had two openings and I just joined so I dont have any experience with the league. It is "Lets play two"

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