double plays

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Big Fred Whitfield

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double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 5:12 am

How important does everyone consider double plays ?

my biggest problem is on offense, and I know how to count them, however, I always seemed to be snake bit and have the rally killing kind, while my pitchers only seem to get the double plays that don't matter so much against the opposition

do good GMs make a conscious effort to avoid high (offensive, on their offensive card) DP guys ?

is there a cutoff (total % chances) good GMs try to stay under ?

just trying to learn, getting hammered on the field and in the emotional clubhouse with life killing DPs


the ghost of roger maris

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Re: double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 9:12 am

the ratings book helps
avoid putting high dp guys in the 2 or 3 hole....
vivan Correcaminos! Andale! Andale!

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 9:49 am

any place to find the ratings book


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Re: double plays


Eddie E

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Re: double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 11:15 am

I try to keep the dp's under 20 per side. Sometimes you can get away with a high dp guy in the eight or nine hole especially if you put a good SB guy in front of him.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 2:13 pm

thank u Palmtana

I didn't realize those weren't available, only for purchase

thank you Eddie, much appreciated

the splinter

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Re: double plays

PostFri Mar 15, 2024 8:10 pm

All good info but for me the key stat is having D and pitching that induces more DP’s then your lineup produces

All of my successful teams follow this trend. Sometimes it’s only 10-15 difference in my favor but it makes a difference. Note that early decade ATG cards typically have the DP’s on hitters cards only. Later in the 60’s and 70’s pitchers started getting GBa on their cards with more frequency.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: double plays

PostSat Mar 16, 2024 1:17 am

thanks Teddy Ballgame

super helps.....everyone's input really helps (the cumulative, totality, various aspects), and is really guys don't have to offer advice or help, so that means even more

we all love sports, more than most I think, to devote a lot of time and energy and interest into this game, whether board game or online/computer version

Mr. Williams, per your last comment, did that mean that if looking for higher DP pitchers, one might want to (insert strength level adjective of choice) consider SPs from the 60s/70s to present ?

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: double plays

PostSat Mar 16, 2024 1:22 am

other than GbA, which are easy to calculate, is there any formula for GbX chances ?.....does that involve running each of your IFers thru some algorithm and fielding charts, to find %s ?......

are there any other factors to consider other than the direct GbA and the indirect GbX ? (Im guessing the line out or any other kind of out that also makes a DP would be similar same to GbA, at least in game results/impact ?)

sorry, when I was less experienced, it was a lot easier lol to calculate stuff.....i just went with the OBP method and didn't really strongly consider power or total bases, unless the person's card was heavy power (pitcher or hitter)....but as I get more into the online version, I can see there are subtle nuances that play parts (as you said, even 10-15 advantage in DP might make a small but impactful difference)

the splinter

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Re: double plays

PostSat Mar 16, 2024 8:43 am

I try not to think that hard. Having 1’s in the middle infield and pitchers with a GBa or two typically does the trick for the pitching staff. As noted above grabbing hitters with low GBa makes the overall math work.

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