Finally got the ratings done. Had to wait till after game 81 and then I just got super busy. Anyway, it's done.
Interesting to note that the ratings are down over last year. Not sure exactly why other than maybe the pricing was a little tougher to build a high rated team?
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
JoeTJet 7940 5311 522 5832 2189 W
Stoney. 7456 5024 324 5348 2172 W
SemperG 8113 5546 494 6040 2125 C
BigAlrc 7215 4903 266 5170 2087 E
Spider. 7589 5152 407 5559 2066 W
stevep. 7438 5151 301 5452 2055 W
Millerm 7842 5465 507 5972 1926 E
Randal. 7742 5276 681 5958 1839 C
Jeep... 7803 5415 652 6067 1809 C
KLX.... 8275 6045 577 6621 1710 E
hawk... 7333 5352 319 5671 1701 C
Dale... 7515 5435 526 5961 1608 E
West looks like the toughest division. The other two are close
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Divi Offn Ptch Fld P+F Overall
East 7712 5462 469 5931 1833
Cent 7747 5397 536 5934 1868
West 7606 5159 389 5548 2121
A lot of variability from the ratings in the Overall ratings.
Stones and Spider way below expectations. Semper also low with KLX and Dale well above. Randal a bit high also.
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
JoeTJet 2189 2 2 0 W
Stoney. 2172 2 9 -7 W
SemperG 2125 3 7 -4 C
BigAlrc 2087 4 6 -2 E
Spider. 2066 4 10 -6 W
stevep. 2055 4 7 -3 W
Millerm 1926 5 5 0 E
Randal. 1839 9 5 4 C
Jeep... 1809 9 7 2 C
KLX.... 1710 11 6 5 E
hawk... 1701 11 8 3 C
Dale... 1608 12 7 5 E
Offense not too bad, but not as close as I've seen in the past. Steve is high, several are a bit low: KLX, Miller, Spider. Randal maybe a bit high
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
KLX.... 8275 1 4 -3
SemperG 8113 2 3 -1
JoeTJet 7940 3 1 2
Millerm 7842 4 7 -3
Jeep... 7803 4 6 -2
Randal. 7742 5 2 3
Spider. 7589 7 10 -3
Dale... 7515 8 9 -1
Stoney. 7456 8 10 -2
stevep. 7438 8 4 4
hawk... 7333 11 10 1
BigAlrc 7215 12 10 2
Pitching/Fielding is closer than the offense. Steve is low. Hawk maybe a little high. Everyone else is relatively close
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
BigAlrc 5170 1 1 0
Stoney. 5348 2 4 -2
stevep. 5452 3 8 -5
Spider. 5559 4 4 0
hawk... 5671 5 2 3
JoeTJet 5832 6 8 -2
Randal. 5958 7 6 1
Dale... 5961 7 6 1
Millerm 5972 7 9 -2
SemperG 6040 8 9 -1
Jeep... 6067 8 8 0
KLX.... 6621 12 10 2
Luck Factors
Not surprising to me Stoney has been VERY unlucky: Rolling on the wrong card one run, Pythag, Unearned run ratio and injuries!
Dale and JTJ have been unlucky to a lesser extent. Dale in bp rolls, and one runs. JTJ in bp rolls and injuries.
On the other side things have gone well for Milleram. BPHRs, one runners, and pythag.
Others are pretty close for the most part.
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Mgr .. . SI HR 1-R Pyt Rolls UE/E Inj Luck Fctr
Stoney. -0% -5% -6 -5 -2.5% 69% +29 -5.5
dale... -5% -17% -8 +2 +1.3% 55% +18 -3.5
JTJ.... -4% -11% +5 +2 -0.6% 54% +35 -2.5
Hawk... -3% -16% -5 -6 +0.3% 47% -12 -2
KLX.... +2% +7% +4 +4 -1.9% 62% +8 -1
Spider. +5% +6% -11 -5 +1.1% 43% +21 -1
BigA... +4% -11% +3 -2 +0.3% 49% +5 -0.5
Semper. -7% +7% -8 -2 +0.3% 77% +6 -0.5
stevep. -4% -4% +8 +1 -0.7% 60% -15 0.5
Jeep... -1% -9% -2 -2 +2.6% 66% +12 1
Randal. +8% +0% +8 +4 -0.2% 66% +15 2
Millerm -4% +12% +12 +9 -0.1% 53% -15 5
Fielding has bigger differences than usual this time around. JTJ, KLX and Jeep are a little better than expected.
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Fieldng FRt Rtg F% Dif
BigAlrc 266 2 2 0
stevep. 301 3 4 -1
hawk... 319 3 3 0
Stoney. 324 3 4 -1
Spider. 407 5 6 -1
SemperG 494 7 8 -1
Millerm 507 7 8 -1
JoeTJet 522 8 5 3
Dale... 526 8 6 2
KLX.... 577 9 6 3
Jeep... 652 11 8 3
Randal. 681 12 11 1