These are as off for a couple of teams as I have ever seen. Even in $100 mil league.
- Code: Select all
Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
Jeep... 8870 5170 829 6000 2935 C
JoeTJet 8099 4803 421 5224 2933 W
Stoney. 8146 5036 218 5255 2927 E
Millerm 8358 4698 834 5532 2898 C
Spider. 8087 4896 436 5332 2799 E
Randal. 7818 4761 386 5147 2722 W
KLX.... 7924 4612 634 5247 2703 W
BigAlrc 7541 4727 198 4925 2649 W
Gilbo... 8209 5208 457 5664 2625 E
stevep. 8229 5090 580 5670 2599 C
SemperG 7868 4628 740 5369 2545 C
Dale... 7818 5353 318 5672 2194 E
Ratings put Jeep, JTJ, Stoney and Miller about the same so they would expect the divisions to look like this:
East - SToney and Spider to battle it out, Dale waaay behind and Gilbo an also-ran
Central - Jeep and miller battliing it out with the other two distant.
West - JTJ is the class of the division with the other three with an outside chance.
As we know, these ratings are laughable. Let's see why
JTJ and Miller are super underperforming, as bad as I've seen it. Spider is a "normal" underperform and Dale is way over.
- Code: Select all
Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
Jeep... 2935 3 1 2 C
JoeTJet 2933 3 12 -9 W
Stoney. 2927 3 3 0 E
Millerm 2898 3 11 -8 C
Spider. 2799 4 9 -5 E
Randal. 2722 5 5 0 W
KLX.... 2703 5 7 -2 W
BigAlrc 2649 6 5 1 W
Gilbo... 2625 6 6 0 E
stevep. 2599 6 8 -2 C
SemperG 2545 7 8 -1 C
Dale... 2194 10 5 5 E
Miller is way under, JTJ pretty much under. Dale and Randal quite a bit over.
- Code: Select all
Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Jeep... 8870 1 2 -1 C
Millerm 8358 4 8 -4 C
stevep. 8229 5 7 -2 C
Gilbo... 8209 5 7 -2 E
Stoney. 8146 6 4 2 E
JoeTJet 8099 7 10 -3 W
Spider. 8087 7 8 -1 E
KLX.... 7924 9 9 0 W
SemperG 7868 10 9 1 C
Dale... 7818 11 7 4 E
Randal. 7818 11 7 4 W
BigAlrc 7541 12 12 0 W
Once again JTJ, projected to be one of the top 3-4 is next to last, to a team that didn't even try to have ptching or defense. Randal is similarly low with Gilbo and Dlae much over. Stones and Spidey a little low and Jeep a little high.
- Code: Select all
Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
BigAlrc 4925 1 1 0
Randal. 5147 3 8 -5
JoeTJet 5224 4 10 -6
KLX.... 5247 4 5 -1
Stoney. 5255 4 7 -3
Spider. 5332 5 8 -3
SemperG 5369 5 4 1
Millerm 5532 7 6 1
Gilbo... 5664 9 4 5
stevep. 5670 9 7 2
Dale... 5672 9 4 5
Jeep... 6000 12 9 3
We'll look at luck factors when I get a chance, I expect to see that Miller and JTJ have been crushed in them.