SBDL Discussion

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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 4:05 pm

Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(10) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich,
*(10) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto,
*(10) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley,
*(10) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano,
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP :oops:
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark -
5. Dacelo -
6. MadMike -
7. bunzeo -
8. Max_Fischer -
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

ModMark up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 1668
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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 4:11 pm

joeoc wrote:Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(10) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(10) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto,
*(10) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley,
*(10) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano,
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP :oops:
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo -
6. MadMike -
7. bunzeo -
8. Max_Fischer -
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

Dacelo up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 373
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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 5:15 pm

Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(10) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(10) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto, L. Castillo
*(10) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley,
*(10) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano,
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP :oops:
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo - Luis Castillo, 2B
6. MadMike -
7. bunzeo -
8. Max_Fischer -
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

Dacelo up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 464
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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 5:47 pm

Doc gooden, sp


  • Posts: 2907
  • Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:43 pm

Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 5:54 pm

Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(11) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(11) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto, L.Castillo,
*(1) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood, D.Gooden,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley,
*(10) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano,
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo - Luis Castillo, SS
6. MadMike - Dwight Gooden, SP
7. bunzeo -
8. Max_Fischer -
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

bunzeO up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 892
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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 6:20 pm

Dennis Bennett sp


  • Posts: 892
  • Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:09 pm

Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 6:43 pm

"]Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(11) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(11) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto, L.Castillo,
*(1) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood, D.Gooden,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley, D Bennett
*(10) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano,
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo - Luis Castillo, SS
6. MadMike - Dwight Gooden, SP
7. bunzeo -D Bennett SP
8. Max_Fischer -
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

Max Fischer up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 515
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Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSat Aug 31, 2024 9:18 pm

Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(11) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(11) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto, L.Castillo,
*(1) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood, D.Gooden,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley, D Bennett
*(11) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano, K.Bryant
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo - Luis Castillo, SS
6. MadMike - Dwight Gooden, SP
7. bunzeo -D Bennett SP
8. Max_Fischer - Kris Bryant OF
9. MickeyB -
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

Mickey up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 333
  • Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:19 am

Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSun Sep 01, 2024 7:50 am

Season 81 -- Eligible Letters :
(14) Hitters - B, C, E, F, G, J, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, Z
(11) Pitchers - A, B, G, H, J, L, M, N, U, Q, W[/b]

PEZVY pitchers retired after season 78
M hitters retired after season 79
HY hitters will retire after season 80

Salary cap for season 81 - 95 Million

Trades : (keepers if traded still count as keepers for their original team - NOT the team receiving that player)
1. bunze0 trades Stan Musial, his steal pick, and his Round 1 draft pick to minnie minoso for Minnie's steal pick and his first Round pick

Stadium changes : (changing costs one draft pick and new stadium must be kept for at least 3 seasons)
Bunze0 - Tropicana 99 -(10-5-15-9)
modmark - Yankee '56 - (10--19-5)
minnie minoso- Yankee '71 - (8-2-12-1)
mickey - Cleveland Stadium '71 - (9-6-20-20)
Joe - Shea '64 - (8-8-4-13)

Keepers :
*(11) minnie minoso - Dutch B.Leonard, G.Maddux, D.Snider, L.Bowa, Y.Berra, G.Lavelle,T.Abernathy, M.Ott, D.Justice, F.Heredia, W.White,
*(9) 13Baseballs - F.Thomas, J.Torre, P.Alexander, M.Schmidt, A.Liska, H.Brecheen, F.Linzy, Bo.Bonds, H.Evers,
*(11) Joeoc - J.Bagwell, R.Hornsby, E.Banks, M.Wohlers, C.Mathewson, L.Gomez, A.Jones, D.Evans, S.Alcantara, J.Wockenfuss, T.S.Wesley,
*(11) modmark - M.Mantle, L.Gehrig, R.Guidry, E.Mathews, A.Hassler, T.Hughes, R.Cano, N.Hahn, B.Oglivie, M.Lolich, C.Seager,
*(11) Dacelo - W.Mays, A.Simmons, M.Hampton, T.Stearns, K.Brown, J.Brewer, R.Yount, S.J Williams, M.Garman, J.Agosto, L.Castillo,
*(1) MadMike - P.Martinez, J.Gibson, G.Sisler, G.Brett, T.Glavine, R.Myers, E.Flick, C Seymor, L.O'Doul, W Wood, D.Gooden,
*(10) bunze0 - S.Musial, A.Judge, E.Plank, K. Griffey Jr. K Marte, D McMahon, S Howe, T Williams, D Bissonette, F.Bradley, D Bennett
*(11) Max_Fischer - M.Piazza, J.Gordon, A.Trammell, A.Pujols, A.Joss, R.Wadell, B.L.Miller, J.McGinnity, R.Boone, A.Soriano, K.Bryant
*(10) MickeyB - Ba. Bonds, Bry.Harper, N.Winters, C.Jones, H.Trosky, H.Newhouser, C.Leskanic, M.Blowers, M.Trout, J.Beckwith, M.Brouhard,
*(10) kilctson - W.Johnson, J.Wood, V.Guerrero, A.Beltre, D.Jones. R.Henderson, C.Yastrzemski, B.Lemon,T.Fernandez, R.Carew,
*(10) hackra - J.Foxx, P.Hawley, E.Walsh, J. Mercer, J.Bench, S.Sosa, C.Bradford, R.Petrocelli, G.Thomas, J.Lopez,
*(10) AndyC - C.Yelich, R.Johnson, G.Goslin, J.Morgan, S.McDowell, L.Arroyo, B.McClure, J.Edmonds, L.Walker, E.Hensley,
*Lost Steal Pick

Steal Round:
1. minnie minoso - (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ken Griffey Jr (AndyC)
2. 13 Baseballs - Mike Schmidt (Hackra)
3. Joeoc - Mark Wohlers, RP - (MadMike - Winesippers)
4. modmark - Eddie Mathews, 3B - (Bunze0 - A-M Grace)
5. Dacelo - Turkey Stearns, OF - (13Baseballs - Ferrets)
6. MadMike - George Brett, 3B - (ModMark - M Gang)
7. bunze0 - (Minnie Minoso Trade 1)- - Larry Bowa, SS - (kilctson - Sons of Relativity)
8. Max_Fischer - Albert Pujols, 1B (Dacelo - A G Jukes))
9. MickeyB - Chipper Jones, 3B (JoeC - Tinley Prairie)
10. kilctson - Adrian Beltre -(Max_Fischer - Indianaoplis Clowns)
11. hackra - Jordy Mercer (from the mind-reader, Mickey Buhl) :ugeek:
12. AndyC - Bob McClure (from minnie)

Draft Round 1
1. (bunzeO Trade 1) - Ted Williams lf
2. 13 Baseballs - Harry Brecheen, SP
3. Joeoc - Darrell Evans, 3B
4. modmark - Noodles Hahn, SP
5. Dacelo - Smokey Joe Williams, SP
6. MadMike - Cy Seymour Cf
7. (Minnie Minoso Trade 1) M Ott, RF
8. Max_Fischer - Joe McGinnity, SP
9. MickeyB - Jordy Mercer-stand-in, Mike Blowers, 3B
10. kilctson - Bob Lemon, SP
11. hackra - Rico Petrocelli, SS
12. AndyC - Jim Edmonds, CF

Draft Round 2
1. minnie minoso D Justice, 1b
2. 13 Baseballs - Frank Linzy, RP
3. Joeoc - Sandy Alcantara, SP
4. modmark - Ben Oglivie, LF
5. Dacelo - Mike Garman, RP
6. MadMike - Lefty O'Doul, LF
7. bunzeO -Del Bissonette 1b
8. Max_Fischer - Ray Boone 3B
9. MickeyB - Mike Trout CF
10. kilctson - Tony Fernandez, ss
11. hackra - Gorman Thomas, CF
12. AndyC - Larry Walker OF

Draft Round 3
1. minnie minoso - Felix Heredia, RP
2. 13 Baseballs - Bobby Bonds, OF
3. Joeoc - John Wockenfuss, C
4. modmark - Mickey Lolich, SP
5. Dacelo - Juan Agosto, RP
6. MadMike - Wilber Wood SP
7. bunzeO - Frank Bradley, SP
8. Max_Fischer -- Alfonso Soriano OF
9. MickeyB - John Beckwith, 1B
10. kilctson - Rod Carew
11. hackra - Javier Lopez, RP
12. AndyC - Eggie Hensley SP

Draft Round 4
1. minnie minoso-Will White SP
2. 13 Baseballs - Hoot Evers, OF
3. Joeoc - Two Sides Wesley, UT
4. modmark - Corey Seager, SS
5. Dacelo - Luis Castillo, SS
6. MadMike - Dwight Gooden, SP
7. bunzeo -D Bennett SP
8. Max_Fischer - Kris Bryant OF
9. MickeyB - Mark Brouhard, OF
10. kilctson -
11. hackra -
12. AndyC -

Tyson up for 4th round pick
and 3 more teams to enter league (Chris, Mike, Tyson) - entry code is TMKPS


  • Posts: 273
  • Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:37 am

Re: SBDL Discussion

PostSun Sep 01, 2024 10:18 am

Mark Littell, RP

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