Sad Day..

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Sad Day..

PostTue Oct 01, 2024 4:48 am

Pete Rose passes away at 83.. Sucks they never allowed him into hall of fame especially when steriod freaks like Bonds will get in. RIP Pete...


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Re: Sad Day..

PostTue Oct 01, 2024 7:48 am

It will be interesting to see how the hall of fame handles it now. Shoeless Joe never got a reprieve so it would make sense Pete wouldn't.

Maybe they can do a special acknowledgement where he's not really in the hall, but they recognize his greatness? Not sure what that would look like.

It must be frustrating for the Rose family with how in bed MLB and the other sports are with gambling now.

That said, you just can't bet on baseball!

I grew up a Yankee fan, but my cub scout group always took a bus trip to the Phillies in the 80's. Pete Rose was one of the first stars I saw. The black ink on the back of his baseball card makes his HOF case.
-Alexander Supertramp


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Re: Sad Day..

PostTue Oct 01, 2024 8:24 am

RIP Pete. Yes, put him in the hall, he belongs there.


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Re: Sad Day..

PostWed Oct 02, 2024 3:52 am

Courtneylant wrote:It will be interesting to see how the hall of fame handles it now. Shoeless Joe never got a reprieve so it would make sense Pete wouldn't.

Maybe they can do a special acknowledgement where he's not really in the hall, but they recognize his greatness? Not sure what that would look like.

It must be frustrating for the Rose family with how in bed MLB and the other sports are with gambling now.

That said, you just can't bet on baseball!

I grew up a Yankee fan, but my cub scout group always took a bus trip to the Phillies in the 80's. Pete Rose was one of the first stars I saw. The black ink on the back of his baseball card makes his HOF case.

100% Agree!!


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Re: Sad Day..

PostThu Oct 03, 2024 4:41 pm

I had the good fortune of growing up in Cincinnati in the 1970s. The even better fortunate of having a Dad that was a big sports fan so some of my fondest memories were going to Riverfront Stadium and watching the Big Red Machine. I got to see World Series games in 75 and 76.

Rose was my favorite player by a longshot. His legacy is complicated, but like I said some of my fondest memories of watching him play. If it’s possible to do a head first slide into Heaven, that’s what Pete Rose did.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Sad Day..

PostFri Oct 04, 2024 2:45 pm

Not really. He was an admitted rapist. Also he was 82 years old.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: Sad Day..

PostSat Oct 05, 2024 11:15 am

i knew this would come up, and I want to try hard to let it go, and not be a part of it, but....

calling Pete Rose a rapist isn't correct (legally).....while I don't condone his actions, nor feel that 50 or 50,000,000 years make them any less than what they are, we all know that forcibly assaulting someone regardless of age, is different than having sex (consensual) with another...yes, legally, anyone under 18 in USA is "jail bait", and for that, if true, Rose broke the law, though he was never charged nor convicted of any crime

and yes, legally, under 18 isn't legally able to "consent" to a sexual relationship, and I believe Rose's partner was in fact quite young when they were alleged to have had a physical relationship (14-15 ?).....and I agree, that is too young to legally consent....

do we draw the line (is there a line) between someone who doesnt' force another, and we've all known or seen teenage girls who knew exactly what they were doing (consenting), and another person that breaks into someone's home, or attacks them on the street, and commits a violent attack and violation ?.....the law certainly does, even if some of society doesnt

I don't believe Pete, nor any human, is perfect....and Pete committed more and more serious errors than an average person, probably even most people....but, if people who either hate him, or just wish to express their thoughts regarding his off field mistakes (i.e. crimes) wish to be factually correct, they shouldn't use exaggerated and non-factual hyperbole (rapist) doing him anything that fits the crimes he committed, but save the hyperbole for the National Enquirer (or modern day network news)

it's easy to sit in an armchair at home and pass judgement on famous people, thinking they somehow are emotionally different or stronger than average people and should be held to higher standards, but....

"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

RIP Pete, you were flawed, you were wrong, but you played one hell of a game of baseball....there is no crime in society remembering all of those ... isions.pdf

Hack Wilson

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Re: Sad Day..

PostSat Oct 05, 2024 9:17 pm

I remember Pete Rose as the North Star of everything we learned in that era as young kids in a cultural norm way whatever we ended up doing baseball or profession-wise -- play hard, take no prisoners, and absolutely give 100 percent in how you play the game. May the gods bless Pete Rose, RIP. He was one of a kind, despite his imperfections, we'll never see another one like him in today's game. If he doesn't deserve the Hall of Fame, then who does??


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Re: Sad Day..

PostMon Oct 28, 2024 12:44 pm

Hack Wilson wrote:I remember Pete Rose as the North Star of everything we learned in that era as young kids in a cultural norm way whatever we ended up doing baseball or profession-wise -- play hard, take no prisoners, and absolutely give 100 percent in how you play the game. May the gods bless Pete Rose, RIP. He was one of a kind, despite his imperfections, we'll never see another one like him in today's game. If he doesn't deserve the Hall of Fame, then who does??

An beautiful summation - apologies, but you have triggered an old-man rant :)

What could not be understood in today's game is the astonishing intensity Charlie Hustle generated while staying WITHIN the code: stay within yourself, act like a ballplayer, respect the opponent and the game.
He reminds me of Roger Angell's observation on Clemente after the 1971 series: “He played a kind of baseball that none of us had ever seen before… As if it were a form of punishment for everyone else on the field.”

He broke the rule, and I certainly wouldn't argue with the ban. I don't know of any credible evidence of "fixing".
Joe Jackson was surely guilty of involvement in the fixing scheme in 1919, except for actually doing that: no errors, and the best hitter in the series.
The documented game-fixing scandals of Cobb, Speaker, and others just sort of "went away".
Among Hall of Famers, Ruth ranks very high on execrable behavior (although he probably didn't reach the heights of Cobb on that scale).
I regularly give up on the Hall of Fame as having any meaning, but I'm stuck: I love the game, and it's the baseball hall of fame.
Joe Jackson and Pete Rose can't be voted in?
If it's about BASEBALL, you said it correctly: "If he doesn't deserve the Hall of Fame, then who does??"

The Rivs

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Re: Sad Day..

PostWed Oct 30, 2024 12:46 pm

I would add that if you Read Bill James' book on Pete Rose. The "evidence", that got him banned would not have stood up in any real court of law. I love Bart G. and thought he shoulda lived to 110 and been commissioner of baseball like a Pope, but I believe he got this wrong.

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