another 'great add' does not add players i really want

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Re: another 'great add' does not add players i really want

PostFri Dec 20, 2024 7:06 pm

Big Fred Whitfield wrote:
leeroyjenkins wrote:What really grinds my gears is the fact that there are so many great players (All Stars and role players) that aren't in the game, but we keep getting more Cochranes and Gehrigs, etc. Both of those guys are all time favorites of mine, but part of the fun is seeing some new names get thrown in the mix.

well said

We do get new players voted in with each add. However, for 25.1 we are going to do a 'no card in set' round of nominations. That will guarantee getting 25 currently uncarded players in the add.

Note on Ripken. That card was nominated a bunch and never received much support. It just didn't move the needle at all for most. As Andy noted, mediocre offense combined with a 2. If he was a 1, I'm sure it would have been voted in at some point.


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Re: another 'great add' does not add players i really want

PostSat Dec 21, 2024 9:09 am

That’s a fun idea. It should be a very competitive nomination.

I also think we can lower the plate appearances just a tiny bit. Plenty of full time platoon players get 275-299 plate appearances.

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