I have two replacements asking to get into the league if we dont hear from LM Bombers and Main Line Expos. I have PM'd them and others have tried contacting them with no success. Lets give them the weekend to respond and if no answer by the end of Sunday we can let the two guys who requested to get in a chance.
Do we have a randomizer so we know which team we have yet? Please give me a good one or one that I like. I can take losing better if I have a bunch of guys I like.
1. Eddie E - San Francisco 2. der geist (geistfeld) - Montreal 3. boog - Milwaukee 4. LMBombers - Houston 5. Davesodu - Arizona 6. nol15736 - Texas 7. BC15NY - TOR changes to New York Mets 8.paul j - ATL changes to San Diego 9.markmorrison - Kansas City 10. Main Line Expos - Tampa Bay 11. mesacat - California 12. Dodgerfan Always - New York Yankees
2 guys changed. But original rules say no duplicates. Both guys got the same team they had in season 1 so they had to change. They didn't get to pick their new team, they just got the next randomized team number.
ETA - I got Arizona so I get another team I don't care about. I get the Unit so that is good but other than that it is ICK.
YUP SUCKS ..I GOT TEAM WITH SUB .500 RECORD LAST YEAR..... should be able pick a team that did not play last year. That at least allows a bunch of new players to get a shot