Stargell 5 HRs

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Re: Stargell 5 HRs

PostThu Feb 06, 2025 1:23 pm

Bob Prince, the Pirates radio and TV announcer would say "Chicken on the hill with Will" when Stargell hit a homer. I also remember attending a game in the Forbes Field left field bleachers in 1966 as a 10 year old having to listen to racial epithets from grown adults. Willie would have to listen to that excrement. It's too bad there are too many idiots in the world. Willie would also run into the left field scoreboard trying to catch a ball sometimes.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: Stargell 5 HRs

PostThu Feb 06, 2025 2:34 pm

tombar3 wrote:Bob Prince, the Pirates radio and TV announcer would say "Chicken on the hill with Will" when Stargell hit a homer. I also remember attending a game in the Forbes Field left field bleachers in 1966 as a 10 year old having to listen to racial epithets from grown adults. Willie would have to listen to that excrement. It's too bad there are too many idiots in the world. Willie would also run into the left field scoreboard trying to catch a ball sometimes.

tombar, I read a great book circa 1970, which was written several years earlier, called "Great Pennant Races" ... -library-7

and they had many stories (10 or so) of famous races in MLB history up to that time

one referred to the 60's Pirates, and talked about that announcer, Bob Prince, using the catch phrase "beware the Green Weinie", which I believe was kind of some voodoo green colored hot dog that put the "whammy" on the other team

any stories, memories, knowledge of this ? many years was that popular ?...was it like "rally monkeys" and many fans had them and would wave ?.....just curious, never heard much about this story, but always thought it was cool as a kid


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Re: Stargell 5 HRs

PostFri Feb 07, 2025 9:16 am

The Green Weenie was a green plastic rattle in the shape of a hot dog, which, when waved at opposing players, purportedly put a jinx on them. Conversely, when waved at Pirate players, it allegedly bestowed good luck. In September, the H.J. Heinz Co. offered a three-foot (0.9 m) inflatable version for one dollar.
The superstition began during a 1966 game against the Houston Astros, when Danny Whelan, the Pirates trainer, shouted from the dugout at Astros' pitcher Dave Giusti "You're going to walk him!" while waving a green rubber hot dog in the direction of the pitcher's mound. Giusti did walk the batter, and the Astros lost the game. During the next game's broadcast, Bob Prince quizzed Whelan about the frankfurter incident, and the gimmick was born. Within weeks, green weenies were being sold to fans at Forbes Field.
The gimmick didn't conjure up a pennant in 1966, as they finished three games back, being swept by the Giants at home in the final three games.
The Green Weenie was revived several times during subsequent seasons, but failed to stay popular with the fans.

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