Tarheel's call, but I'd suggest:
10) "Prospect Franchising" -- Each team in our league has the option to designate one prospect as a "franchise pick." This designation would give the team that drafted the player exclusive rights to that individual in perpetuity, and exempt said player
BOTH from the two year prospect call-up window
AND COUNTING TOWARDS THE PROSPECT ROSTER LIMIT allowing them to stay a prospect until such time as this prospect is: (a) traded to a different team, (b) released, or (c) activated as a carded member of the team's roster.This designation can be transferred immediately to another one of the team's prospects, provided that the previous designee has been traded to another team, released outright, or added to the 40-man roster as the result of being carded in the most recent player set. Adopted 1/29/24. (This sentence replaces the original rule wording: "When this designation expires, it cannot be reassigned to a new prospect until the conclusion of the next prospect draft conducted by the league.")
Think this is what Tarheel wanted, and technically can keep Sean's sanity in line by having "10" remain the official number of prospects (non-tagged)