Moneyball Baseball League Chat

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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostThu Feb 13, 2025 10:46 pm

I tuned out the last few days because I thought my draft was complete, so missed out on all the deliberations above. It is true what was said…I went by the numbers on my team page on Phil’s google sheet and bid the max in an effort to sign Megill. It wasn’t arbitrary, and I don’t think I was being careless. After all, if you can’t trust the league office, who can you trust? :D

I seriously doubt anyone would have made a different decision in real time based on this, but I don’t want to benefit from “extra” money. So I am amenable to adjusting my bid down by the $140K or so error amount and giving everyone 24 hours to beat the bid.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostFri Feb 14, 2025 12:17 am

I tuned out the last few days because I thought my draft was complete, so missed out on all the deliberations above. It is true what was said…I went by the numbers on my team page on Phil’s google sheet and bid the max in an effort to sign Megill. It wasn’t arbitrary, and I don’t think I was being careless. After all, if you can’t trust the league office, who can you trust? :D

I seriously doubt anyone would have made a different decision in real time based on this, but I don’t want to benefit from “extra” money. So I am amenable to adjusting my bid down by the $140K or so error amount and giving everyone 24 hours to beat the bid.

This is a reasonable solution to my error, so I will make the adjustment. Glenn is done with free agency and has maxed his salary.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostSat Feb 15, 2025 9:28 am

I adjusted Glenn's bid on Megill down to $5,131,900 to bring him under the salary cap.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostSat Feb 15, 2025 9:45 am


I am proposing to stiffen the salary cap violation penalty. I have changed the rule such that exceeding the salary cap now requires that the highest salaried arbitration player is now banned AND the next third round prospect pick is lost to the offending team. Please see the proposed changes below and provide comments before we finalize the rule change. This will take affect after the 2024 SOM seasons have been played.

Old Rule:

Section 9.14: Salary Cap Violation Penalty: If a team exceeds the salary cap as the result of an unfavorable arbitration decision, the carded or players whose arbitration decision caused the team to go over the cap is considered to be banned for the season for violations of league substance abuse policies. If more than one player is involved in the arbitration process that resulted in the salary cap violation, the team must get under the salary cap by identifying as few arbitration players as possible to get back into compliance. Each of those "Balco" players will be considered banned for the season. Banned players will remain on the team roster, but the team will not be permitted to participate in free agent signing periods or the prospect draft until they get back under the salary cap.

Revised Rule:

Section 9.14: Salary Cap Violation Penalty: If a team exceeds the salary cap as the result of an unfavorable arbitration decision, the player or players whose arbitration decisions caused the team to go over the cap is (are) considered banned for the season for violations of league substance abuse policies. Arbitration players are banned in order of highest to lowest salary awarded in arbitration until the team is brought back under the salary cap. For example, if a team has three players with arbitration settlements of $6 million, $3 million, and $1 million, and ends up $1,000,000 over the salary cap, the highest salaried player (in this case the $6 million player) is banned. Each of those "Balco" players will be considered banned for the season. Banned players will remain on the team 40 man roster. Additionally, the team loses their next third round prospect pick as a penalty.
Last edited by sociophil on Sat Feb 15, 2025 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostSat Feb 15, 2025 2:08 pm

I would make it " the carded player or players ..." Right now if you have an arb 3 player in arbitration and he doesn't get a card he receives the league minimum of $4 mil salary and would stand a decent chance of being the highest salaried player eligible to be banned. Obviously that would not be much of a penalty.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostSat Feb 15, 2025 3:32 pm

Still looking to make a deal or two. I am making available one of my inexpensive, controllable catchers with excellent 2024 cards, Bart or Herrera. And I might be willing to deal my ballpark, Great American, which has the highest home run factor.

lmk if you have interest,

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