ironwill1 wrote:Can we wait for Tim to catch up. His second round picks are looking like fourths.
Tim has posted that he is a "little slow since my hospital stay." From other posts he has made, it sounded like he went through a scary medical situation earlier this year. As an OG, he deserves some leeway. On the other hand, all that is left for prospects now is chaff so I don't see much point in pausing the draft. It's up to Terry.
Tim, let us know how you are doing medically and SOMinally.
WHY DONT WE draft for him, before the chaff turns to shit, I will volunteer to make the first pick, then three other guys each can make a pick, or something like that. It would help me out as I am torn between five players now and could make all four for Tim if need be
Tim's a veteran player- been with Strat a while and he had a medical condition. All good reasons to wait a bit. Let's email again and wait a little longer, but yes- it's up to the commish.
My inclination is to continue drafting, since Tim indicated he wanted to participate, even after a health scare. He was often behind the curve in the free agent draft, too, and then would catch up.
On the other hand, you guys are kind enough to propose a delay, so I'll honor that suggestion. I just sent an email to Tim. Let's review this again in 24 hours.