Petition: Transparency and open communication

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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostWed Aug 29, 2012 9:03 pm

gkhd11a wrote:I nominate that they place you in charge of the stratomatic forum and act as head of all communication issues directly to the management of stratomatic. You could be the conduit for all issues and you could handle all the questions from everyone and coordinate and compile the issues which you feel would be appropriate to pass on and prioritize for management to work on. Stratomatic should be responsible to let you know the resources that are available and provide timely estimates of times of any task you would require. You could then lay out your plan for everyone to see and schedule the workload for strat and be responsible for letting people know what and when items would be worked on based on the work schedule you develop. Assuming this business nets about 250K per year a 2% of revenue fee appears appropriate for such a responsibility as your compensation. Anyone second this motion?

1) Thank you for the vote of confidence in my abilities. I have little interest in working for this company based on what Ive seen so far. I dont think they'd be capable of delivering on what they told me- although if my job were simply to monitor for euphamistic oaths- sign me up.
1A) I think a lot of guys would be a lot better than me anyhow. I complain too much ;)

2) Were I running it- I would make absolutely certain that people who paid for my product were as satisfied as humanly possible. IF giving them free credits for all the teams I messed up is what it took- you'd be dammm sure Id do it. Its a no brainer. My cost for that is minimal compared to what Id generate later in additional revenue- and honestly- that costs me how much in man power? Right.

3) The business only netting 250K would immediately make me say that something is significantly wrong- especially when I have all these guys who clearly LOVE the game. And sooo many more guys playing fantasy baseball.

4) Hindsight- maybe- but there are a million things leading up to this that should have been done differently. Most of which people other than myself warned about happening.

The Last Druid

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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostWed Aug 29, 2012 9:32 pm

Well, well, well. So perhaps now SOM really is reevaluating its customer service approach. One would think there is nowhere to go but up on this dimension, but we shall see what we see when we see it.

They do seem to have worked out many of the major bugs, although that has taken three months. Still the lost teams is a huge issue.

Going forward, it would seem to be in SOM's interest to actively cultivate input from the community, particularly from vets who have contributed to the development of the game, and also in their their posted intent in having meetings to develop a new customer relations strategy. One question though, is have they irrevocably compromised their customer base with the horrific transition coupled with their heretofore unsuccessful communication policies and attempting to stifle any dissenting opinions? The alienation of many (former) customers is now extreme and I believe that Salt getting a written warning may have been a tipping point for many of those still sticking around. At this point, I think it is pretty certain that they aren't even getting enough revenue from the online game to even pay Bernie's salary, much less make a profit. And I think that the economics of the on-line game are what has caused them to rethink their customer relations approach. Unhappy customers = very little revenue. So Kudos to those who held firm and have purchased no new credits. It may have finally gotten their attention.

P.S. I haven't posted in weeks because the forums wouldn't let me post. But tonight I couldn't even access my account so I had to create yet another convoluted password to even log on. Maybe they should allow us medium security passwords to access our teams and the forums. Ones we can actually remember.


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostWed Aug 29, 2012 10:48 pm

Please sign my petition. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to engage in a more open discussion with its community. I am asking that Strat-O-Matic be more transparent with its information, to provide their insight and replies to the WHOLE community and not just to each individual who emails them directly. When one member has a problem with the game and emails the support group, the odds are strong that there are many others with the same problem/question. Answering one person does not help the game or community as a whole, when informing the whole community is more efficient and effective. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to define "destructive" so that the community knows EXACTLY where the line is so as not to cross it (unless wanting to of course). To me, the most destructive thing that has occurred to the game and the community is Strat-O-Matic's closed communication, customer-unfriendly approach that has driven vital, active game players away. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to "make things right," finally.
Once I have at least 200 registered users on this petition, I will send this to Strat-O-Matic via email and USPS mail attn Hal Richman and attn Bernie Hou.
And, if I receive a warning from SOM that THIS thread is destructive, then I will leave SOM Online for good.

1. Palanion
2. Honeyman
4. Nev
5. Dinsdale
6. dharmabums
7. drfreeze49
10. BlackFinn
11. madmike66
13. Hack Wilson
14. gfdwarf07
15.Doug Elke
16. gorshar
17. lanier64
18. PJ Axelsson
19. ShakeyBoomer
20. Danster64
21. fraank123
22. visick
23. voovits
24. treyomo
25. tomwistar
26. Valen


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 8:06 am

This petition is filling faster than a new league... :lol:


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 8:13 am

Please sign my petition. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to engage in a more open discussion with its community. I am asking that Strat-O-Matic be more transparent with its information, to provide their insight and replies to the WHOLE community and not just to each individual who emails them directly. When one member has a problem with the game and emails the support group, the odds are strong that there are many others with the same problem/question. Answering one person does not help the game or community as a whole, when informing the whole community is more efficient and effective. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to define "destructive" so that the community knows EXACTLY where the line is so as not to cross it (unless wanting to of course). To me, the most destructive thing that has occurred to the game and the community is Strat-O-Matic's closed communication, customer-unfriendly approach that has driven vital, active game players away. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to "make things right," finally.
Once I have at least 200 registered users on this petition, I will send this to Strat-O-Matic via email and USPS mail attn Hal Richman and attn Bernie Hou.
And, if I receive a warning from SOM that THIS thread is destructive, then I will leave SOM Online for good.

1. Palanion
2. Honeyman
4. Nev
5. Dinsdale
6. dharmabums
7. drfreeze49
10. BlackFinn
11. madmike66
13. Hack Wilson
14. gfdwarf07
15.Doug Elke
16. gorshar
17. lanier64
18. PJ Axelsson
19. ShakeyBoomer
20. Danster64
21. fraank123
22. visick
23. voovits
24. treyomo
25. tomwistar
26. Valen
27. Frank M

reggie reigns

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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 10:50 am

Please sign my petition. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to engage in a more open discussion with its community. I am asking that Strat-O-Matic be more transparent with its information, to provide their insight and replies to the WHOLE community and not just to each individual who emails them directly. When one member has a problem with the game and emails the support group, the odds are strong that there are many others with the same problem/question. Answering one person does not help the game or community as a whole, when informing the whole community is more efficient and effective. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to define "destructive" so that the community knows EXACTLY where the line is so as not to cross it (unless wanting to of course). To me, the most destructive thing that has occurred to the game and the community is Strat-O-Matic's closed communication, customer-unfriendly approach that has driven vital, active game players away. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to "make things right," finally.
Once I have at least 200 registered users on this petition, I will send this to Strat-O-Matic via email and USPS mail attn Hal Richman and attn Bernie Hou.
And, if I receive a warning from SOM that THIS thread is destructive, then I will leave SOM Online for good.

1. Palanion
2. Honeyman
4. Nev
5. Dinsdale
6. dharmabums
7. drfreeze49
10. BlackFinn
11. madmike66
13. Hack Wilson
14. gfdwarf07
15.Doug Elke
16. gorshar
17. lanier64
18. PJ Axelsson
19. ShakeyBoomer
20. Danster64
21. fraank123
22. visick
23. voovits
24. treyomo
25. tomwistar
26. Valen
27. Frank M
28.reggie reigns


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 12:39 pm

reggie reigns wrote:Please sign my petition. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to engage in a more open discussion with its community. I am asking that Strat-O-Matic be more transparent with its information, to provide their insight and replies to the WHOLE community and not just to each individual who emails them directly. When one member has a problem with the game and emails the support group, the odds are strong that there are many others with the same problem/question. Answering one person does not help the game or community as a whole, when informing the whole community is more efficient and effective. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to define "destructive" so that the community knows EXACTLY where the line is so as not to cross it (unless wanting to of course). To me, the most destructive thing that has occurred to the game and the community is Strat-O-Matic's closed communication, customer-unfriendly approach that has driven vital, active game players away. I am asking Strat-O-Matic to "make things right," finally.
Once I have at least 200 registered users on this petition, I will send this to Strat-O-Matic via email and USPS mail attn Hal Richman and attn Bernie Hou.
And, if I receive a warning from SOM that THIS thread is destructive, then I will leave SOM Online for good.

1. Palanion
2. Honeyman
4. Nev
5. Dinsdale
6. dharmabums
7. drfreeze49
10. BlackFinn
11. madmike66
13. Hack Wilson
14. gfdwarf07
15.Doug Elke
16. gorshar
17. lanier64
18. PJ Axelsson
19. ShakeyBoomer
20. Danster64
21. fraank123
22. visick
23. voovits
24. treyomo
25. tomwistar
26. Valen
27. Frank M
28.reggie reigns

PJ Axelsson

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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 4:15 pm

The latest word certainly seems encouraging!!!! :)


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 4:28 pm

yes it does. person to respond on the boards (Garcia) and $13 per team, plus free credit. and promise that prices will regularly be lower than at TSN. sounds like great news, hopefully it all comes to fruition.


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Re: Petition: Transparency and open communication

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 6:14 pm

This is the first thing SOM has done that impressed me. Well done.

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