Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:48 pm
The "hide" fix seems to work when viewing teams by clicking the 'All Your Teams' link under the 'Your Account' tab.
But, for me at least, finished teams still disappear from the active list even if checked to "hide" if I view them on the main login page (the default page that comes up after logging in, where teams are listed along with available credits and links to the various SOM games). Looks like they've somehow just neglected to make this page keep the teams among the "active" until "hide" is unchecked.
Unless/until they get this fixed, avoid viewing your active teams on the page that shows your available credits...instead, use 'All Your Teams' link under the 'Your Account' tab, and I think all teams checked to "hide" will still appear under your active teams, even if they've finished their season.
I've bookmarked this page as my "login" the bookmark, if not already logged in the login box will appear, but after logging in it takes you to this page instead of the default team page that incorrectly drops finished teams from the active list.