He didnt mean anything by it, it was just in jest. Were you able to see the real small print at the bottom of his message? We absolutely want you to stay in the league. There is no desire to replace anyone else.
Billings Ballers wrote:Here's your choice My job doesn't allow me to be on 24/7 So to make it easy for all I can back out now. While the draft is still young. I do check in a few times a day but this may not be enough for the impatient types out there I guess i don't care one way or the other. I have activlely participated in drafts in the past but evidently some individuals expect more
Sorry to the decent managers out there but I don't appreciate moody123 attitude
Billings I was joking. I put small print at bottom showing the jest. I apologize if it pissed you off. You are a kick ass manager with a strong track record dude. I just like to be a little bit of a jokester trying to keep things very lighthearted. This is just a game after all. So, again, I apologize. If making jokes is frowned upon I shall stop.
Moving at a snails pace is never fun, but anyone who thought otherwise, maybe shouldn't sign up for one of these. I've never been involved in one that didn't crawl. And with this many players it's going to be a long process.
I'll keep things going but offer still stands to go ahead and replace me if you wish I didn't see the small print at the bottom of the message. It still is a fact that I do work long hours during the wild fire season in the west i do check in 0600 Mountain time and usually available after 1900 hours Mountain time thats the best I can do in the forseeable future. I do monitor frequently when at home tho
ROUND 1 franky35 - Pedro Martinez - 90s RICHARDGAGNON(herge)- Barry BONDS- 90 djkalle - George Brett - 80's yellow_dog - Robin Yount - 80s Rigged Splits - Willie Stargell 70s LMBombers - Mike PIazza 90s voovits - Dale Murphy 80s moodinator123 - Mark McGwire 90s bigdinkent - Mike Schmidt 80s Billings Ballers - Alex Rodriguez 90s Paul_Long71 - Roger Clemens 80s ggrover15 - Greg Maddux 90's
ROUND 2 ggrover15- Randy Johnson 90's Paul_Long71 - George Brett 70s Billings Ballers - Ricky Henderson - 80s bigdinkent moodinator123 voovits LMBombers Rigged Splits yellow_dog djkalle RICHARDGAGNON(herge) franky35
Last edited by Billings Ballers on Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hope Billings stays in. I think reasonable effort is all we need. The starting pace of 5 days per round is too slow, but if everybody checks in a couple times a day, we'll be moving along fine.
bigdinkent left his proxies for all to see. I have told him he (and anyone near me in draft order) can send me their proxies and I'll do my best to post them. I think the best idea for proxies is to send them to 2 people, the person next to you in draft order and to voovits, so no "nefarious" intentions can be thought of.
bigdinkent put G. Carter 80s first so I will now post that for him !!!