inexorbant amount of errors?

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inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 2:06 am

i am only 27 games into my season and already these are the error totals/defensive ratings of some of my players.

ruel - 4 / 1(0)e6
terry - 3 / 1e9
travis - 4 / 2e16
heilmann - 2 / 2e6

and none of them are throwing errors.

anyone else running into this or will normalization kick in soon?



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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 8:27 am

I had a game last night where the $9 million George Brett (2e16) made 3 errors in the first 5 innings. Small sample sizes lead to big disappointment.

george barnard

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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 12:51 pm

In real life baseball this year, Brandon Crawford had 13 errors in his first 55 games (or so). In his next 70 (or so) he has committed 2 errors. He'll probably finish with 18 on the year. So his first half would be a complete aberation compared to his full year stats.


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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 3:06 pm

Insufficient evidence to show anything other than bad luck or bad karma.

Be interesting to see a link to the whole team to see if entire roster is cursed or just these few.

Might be interesting as well to go over some past teams with these players and see if error totals are consistently higher than expected. Oh wait, we can't get to old teams. :lol: Guess we will have to hope Nev or someone with a million active teams can chime in with numbers from current teams to provide meaningful sample size.


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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 3:16 pm

here is the team. as you can see it hasn't affected my wins total inadvertently, just a little concerned.

i have used all of these players many times and not seen errors like this this early in a season.



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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostWed Sep 12, 2012 9:27 pm

104 through 90 is winning 60% plus of its games..............


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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostThu Sep 13, 2012 12:45 pm

30 games played so roughly 1/5 through season
ruel - 4 / 1(0)e6 on pace for 20
terry - 3 / 1e9 on pace for 15
travis - 4 / 2e16 on pace for 20
heilmann - 2 / 2e6 on pace for 10

except for Ruel these are only slightly high.
Appling is on pace for 25 which is slightly low

If you were ok in the beginning with these defensive ratings don't think the results are that much of an aberration they should be of concern. I generally believe that errors in ATG will run a little higher than expected. This is because of the added offense. With so many great lineups runs are up which is obvious to most. But going along with that is that more hits, walks, runs, etc mean more PAs for all the hitters and thus more chances for errors to occur. Fielding percentage could be right on target while errors are up a little due to more chances handled.

Especially since you are winning over 60% of games i see no reason to be concerned.


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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostFri Sep 14, 2012 5:37 am

it's not just my team really. in the same league the 11+ mil eddie mathews card has committed 15 errors already. so what you're saying is he is on track for 75 errors? i have played this game since atg3 and have never seen error totals like now. just saying.



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Re: inexorbant amount of errors?

PostFri Sep 14, 2012 11:25 am

Not saying errors are not higher than they should be. Keep in mind I have been flamed in the past for committing the blasphemy of saying the Strat model does not come as close to 100% accuracy as thought growing up.

What I am saying is based on the team you posted there was insufficient evidence errors were excessively high. And 30 games for one team is an insignificantly small sample size.

To attribute even the Mathews example as anything but bad luck one would need more evidence, perhaps even chart all players for several leagues. I would expect due to the increased offense and accompanying increased chances errors might be 20% higher than real life.

You might indeed have a smoking gun but much more evidence is needed. And I think you will need a massive amount of evidence to get Strato to acknowledge this part of their model is flawed and make any changes.

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