Outfield defense for 365 question....

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Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostMon Jun 05, 2023 8:53 pm

I have only played the 365 games only a hand full of times. Most of those seasons I used a 4-outfield rating most of the seasons for my Lf and Rf. Centerfield generally a 2 or 3 rating. The last 3 seasons I played I missed out of a playoff spot by 1 or 2 games.

I am guessing I lost a few games with having the 4's out there. Yes I would replace them in late innings with 2 or 3 rating but still wonder if that burned me. I went with the better offensive 4 rated OF player vs the weak hitting 1or 2 rated player.. Is that the unwritten rule to play the better defensive rating player vs a better offensive player with a 4 rating?

Guess it goes both way in a sense. Better offensive player might win some games for you with his bat. Anyone have a thought that they think is the most successful strategy in 365?



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Re: Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostTue Jun 06, 2023 8:28 am

You should check how you did on X chances under the fielding tab. Having a 4 at both corners is a killer IMHO. That means combined your third most likely occurrence of an X fielding play is going to a 4, and those corner outfielder 4’s can often lead to extra bases.

If on top of that you have a 3 in center, then that absolutely could be the difference of a couple of games in the standings.


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Re: Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostTue Jun 06, 2023 9:14 pm

https://www.baseballthinkfactory.org/bt ... atfldg.htm

It depends on how much offense the 4 fielder generates compared to the runs he allows in the field.

The above chart is how much OPS a defender allows on average. add the two per game totals.

On the offensive card--look at the color chart on the bottom of the card... add 1 for BB/HBP, 2 for SI, ... to 5 for HR.

this is OPS (On-base + Slugging) in card chances. Subtract the number from the fielding chart above (which is OPS allowed)

This gives you a way to compare Offense minus Defense, A 3RF and a 4RF of similar cost for instance.

IF the offense adds up to 100, but defense allowed is -40--that is 60 net. A two guy may have only 80 offense but just allows -15 in defense--so it is always a compromise.


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Re: Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostWed Jun 07, 2023 1:01 pm

Those charts are great!


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Re: Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostFri Jun 09, 2023 7:11 pm

Good info guys. Thanks. The chart is pretty good too


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Re: Outfield defense for 365 question....

PostThu Jun 15, 2023 8:34 am

1's up the middle...always

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