
Discuss different strategies for any of our player sets

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PostMon Apr 15, 2024 9:28 am

I am playing my first season in an auto league 60’s. We only have 30 games left to play and there have been zero trades across the league. I’ve tried trading we no luck. Is this normal to be no trades for the whole 12 team league? Makes the league kind of boring. Thanks


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Re: Trades

PostMon Apr 15, 2024 5:39 pm

Trades, sadly, are indeed rare. However, pay close attention to players getting dropped. Being able to pick up a good player (who never should have been dropped by the original owner) happens far more often. If a player is dropped that you might be interested in, see if you can figure out which card he might be on. There are also good players with no bad cards that get dropped. Be ready to pounce if it makes sense for your team.

My last team that made it to the finals had three starters that I picked up after their original team dropped them. (Sadly, I also dropped a player I never should have.)

Trades are fun if you can make one happen, but your success in SOM mystery leagues depends on how well you do grabbing that key free agent that someone foolishly let go, or by simply grabbing the right "virgin" free agent to replace one of your players on a stinker year. Another key skill is knowing when to stand pat with what you have.

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