Career Mode on Computer Then....

Our innovative Baseball Daily game- players cards change based on their real life performance

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Career Mode on Computer Then....

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 4:10 pm

Now that I see that Strat-O-Matic has this "daily" ability, my wonder is why there can't be career mode on the computer version of the game. What I mean by this is why can't one have the computer re-generate the cards after a season is played on the computer game such that changes made to the cards were based on that season's stats? This would be awesome because then one could play "career mode" where futures seasons are simmed and the cards are adapted based on how players actually do in a simulated season. This is something I thought about before, but now that I see this daily feature, I see that this is actually something that could be implemented. I think it would be an awesome feature.

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