Note for all Daily Tournament Players

Our innovative Baseball Daily game- players cards change based on their real life performance

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Juiced JC

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Note for all Daily Tournament Players

PostTue May 17, 2022 8:53 pm

Please join your assigned leagues by end of day Thursday or you could lose your spot in the tournament. Please set your team as "Ready for Draft" as soon as your draft card is ready. Because the Daily cards change everyday, I encourage you to check your draft list everyday to make sure you don't want to make changes. If you need to check / make changes, please set your team as "Un-ready", make your changes, and then reset as "Ready for Draft". We need everyone set as Ready before the leagues can draft. There's a chance I may need to get 365 support to force you as Ready if you are holding up your league's draft. If something unforeseen happens, I will delay the opening day for all 4 leagues by a day or two. All leagues are affected in this case so that the standings are more meaningful when teams/leagues have the same games played.

Once all 12 correct teams are loaded in the league, the closer can set as "Ready for Draft". Closers don't have to be the last last team to set as ready, they just have to wait to make sure the correct 12 teams are in. Once everyone is in and ready, the leagues can draft at any time - no need to wait! This is because the opening day has been set to Monday regardless of when the draft and waivers run. So League 2 has everyone correct in now - that league can draft any time now once everyone is set as "Ready".

Let me know if you have any questions,
Juiced JC

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