Can you top this

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Can you top this

PostWed Dec 27, 2023 8:32 pm



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Re: Can you top this

PostWed Dec 27, 2023 10:53 pm

Evans omg lol. 7/8 4hrs 16 rbis. Not a bad week in a game lol


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Re: Can you top this

PostWed Dec 27, 2023 11:36 pm

proves this is nothing more than a dice game where all that matters is you either get the rolls or you dont and sometimes a situation like this just shows how rediculous this game can be...I dont get too serious about this anymore its like the poster that says "for entertainment only"


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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 1:38 am

I'm in agreement the game that was designed for, and is played with, dice, and cards, is a dice game that reads values from cards based on the rolls.
Convincing argument that is unassailable.

Just to prove your point, I dragged an old box set of StratoMatic from 1981 and holy cow--there were dice...and cards and a bunch of numbers on the cards. And the directions said to roll the 20 sided and 6 sided dice and look up some stuff. You were right.
Last edited by FrankieT on Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:21 am, edited 5 times in total.


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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 1:44 am

More seriously, you have a pitching staff--of 3x R1s in Baker Bowl...with a weak SP staff for that park at that cap--manage them to F0 because they are perpetually in a fatigued state so that there are no options for the AI eventually, and this is the result.

Youmay not realize that at F0 the pitcher card is either getting flipped to a batter card on pitcher rolls, or is directly reading the result from a fatigue results pitcher card which is everything up to homeruns by F0. I can point you to the wiki that explains the fatigue system if it helps.

Looking at the park and the roster against the circumstances leading into that game, and I am not as surprised as you may want someone to be.

So my overall point is to learn how the game plays and then some of the results may not be surprising. No doubt some occasionally will, but usually it can be figured out with a reading of the rules buried somewhere and there are plenty of helpful people around who try to honestly figure it out and usually do. And then there will be a few cases that cause everyone to scratch our heads, like AI decisions on bullpen or defensive substitutions. But this is not one of those cases.

In fact, this proves the opposite of random chance--you engineered this to be a high possibility through your choices and it was anything but random--it was forced outside of a random state. Either learn from it to avoid it, accept it, or I guess I am not sure what else is expected.


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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 8:25 am

I remember "Hard hittin Mark Whiten" once tied the major league record with 12 RBI in a game no dice just a Louisville slugger.

Crabby Appleton

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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 3:30 pm

I enjoyed your response and have a question. Do you know for a fact that his pitchers are set to F0? Or is that a guess based on the limited relief innings? If you know it, how did you figure it out? Thanks!


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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 6:35 pm

Hal chose to pull my pitcher in the first inning after 2 outs even though i had him set for F8 and slow and the minute he hit F8 he was 80 mil leagues if your SP is pulled in the 1st inning the RP to follow are going to be poor quality so spare me the Im the one to blame for all this...the man behind the curtain was the one rolling the good numbers for the other guy...I guess by your definition my having 21 teams out of my last 37 make the playoffs and win 6 rings and have a 104 win team and a .527 win percentage since I started is due to "randomness" because poor little ole me doesnt know the game is just to doggone stupid to be successful...


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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 6:58 pm

Crabby Appleton wrote:FrankieT
I enjoyed your response and have a question. Do you know for a fact that his pitchers are set to F0? Or is that a guess based on the limited relief innings? If you know it, how did you figure it out? Thanks!

I appreciated Frank's response as well. It was on point.

There's no way to be sure that his relievers are set to F-0 and I doubt they are. With that limited of a bullpen and 3 of the 4 being R1s, they are going to pitch a lot of innings at F-0. That is not typically a winning approach.

Hack Wilson

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Re: Can you top this

PostThu Dec 28, 2023 8:07 pm

Agreed, there's no conspiracy here, just a team building issue. To be helpfully candid, hopefully -- in any park, I wouldn't set these 8*-inning pitchers (Hilton Smith in this case) to only F8 and then have the three R1 relievers in the pen, who are righty/lefty specialists to begin with. F8 is a relative quick hook. So, that's what happens. When you have a home park like Braves '38 in an $80 or $100M cap, only use *9 starters (less fatigue), use F0 (yes!), slow hooks, conservative relief, and then a cheap, very specialist bullpen, maybe one slightly more expensive guy with almost even splits around $1M -- I like Clem Dreisewerd at .99M. That's all you need for the Four Aces Strategy, which is a winning approach, more often than not. In a pitcher's park, ironically, you need to spend more on your offense to earn runs, and need great defense up the middle.

Hal chose to pull my pitcher in the first inning after 2 outs even though i had him set for F8 and slow and the minute he hit F8 he was yanked.

Of course, after giving up 6 runs within an inning, Hal will pull your pitcher. F8 will result in this.

Just my 2 cents. :)

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