Garcia's Blog 3/5/15- February Lottery/Friday's Glitch

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Garcia's Blog 3/5/15- February Lottery/Friday's Glitch

PostThu Mar 05, 2015 4:38 pm

Hey guys,

It may not feel like it here in the northeast but baseball Spring Training has started! I'm snowed in today but it's nice to hear baseball on the radio to make it feel like Spring is around the corner.

As everyone knows by now, last week we encountered a rare glitch that affected starting pitchers. Rest was not taken into account from the preceding series so the computer managers started pitchers based on the default rotation. We have found the cause of the incident and have implemented precautions that will improve how our system reacts to unexpected occurrences like this, rare as they may be.

We are offering a credit to anyone who had a team lose out on a potential credit due to this error. A few people have already written us and received a credit. Anyone who had a team that missed out on the playoffs by a game or two due to last Friday's games, please write us and you will receive a credit. We're offering anyone who had a current league during that day who misses out on a potential credit due to the glitch the opportunity to redeem this. As some of these leagues were just starting, we will take these credit requests anytime up to May 1st. This will give everyone who was affected time to write us and redeem this credit.

Today, we ran our March Lottery. Five more users were given a free credit just for playing the game! The winners are shown below:


Also, ATG players! The third group of player additions will start taking place next week, when we will start accepting nominations! Start thinking of who you want to nominate, we'll again take the first 40 nominations and then vote on 20. I'll set up the nomination thread next week.

Ok, that's all I have for today. As always, please e-mail us at if you have any questions. Also, use that e-mail for the credit requests from the pitcher glitch. Thanks and talk to you all next week!


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