Apologies if this has been asked and answered.

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Apologies if this has been asked and answered.

PostMon Jul 31, 2023 3:56 pm

I can't seem to find a decisive answer to this question:

When setting your team strategy for IBBs which forces your pitchers to reduce the number of times they do this?

I can't seem to tell if Conservative/Extra Conservative means that you are more conservative against big hitters meaning walk them more, or more conservative against intentional walks in general meaning walk them less. Or vice versa for Aggressive/Very Aggressive.

I've tried both directions but can't seem to find a reasonable conclusion. And I've had HAL make some crazy intentional walk decisions regardless of my settings. Not that often, but every once in a great while I'll get them intentionally walking an 8th or 9th hitter to set-up the double play but my opponent has the 17mil Ruth card hitting lead off.

Thanks in advance if someone can actually clarify this for me.


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Re: Apologies if this has been asked and answered.

PostMon Jul 31, 2023 7:13 pm

I have always assumed conservative/extra conservative means your pitcher will intentionally walk opponents less.

I always set mine to conservative, and in my currently league I have the second fewest intentional walks in the league by far, so I'm pretty certain I have this right!


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Re: Apologies if this has been asked and answered.

PostWed Aug 02, 2023 12:40 pm

I had always operated on a similar theory, but I've had teams set to conservative and still be one of the teams with the most number of IBBs. But then a similar team will be set the same and finish with the fewest in the league. Same on the other side while trying to get this figured out.

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