Again from the Rules: How is the Waiver Priority determined?
For Auto List Draft leagues:
The Waiver Priority order is based on the weight of draft picks lost from your Draft Card, among the picks up to the minimum number of players required on a team in the given player set. For example, if you have an ATG 8 team where the minimum is 24 players, if you lose out on your top ranked player on your Draft Card, that's worth 24 weighted points for Waiver Priority. If your team loses its 24th ranked player on your Draft Card, that's worth 1 weighted point. Draft picks ranked 25 and beyond would not be considered. The team with the most total weighted points would be first in the League Waiver Priority, and the team with the fewest would be last. If there is a tie for an amount of weighted points, the Waiver Priority spots are randomly assigned to those teams. You can view the League Waiver Priority list during the Waivers Period by going to "Your Waiver Claims" page.