I'm a Strato-Nut of four decades now, and bow every morning to the image of Harold Richman, and am without doubt convinced there is no game in the same Stratosphere as his creation!!
Having said all this, there is one minor glitch that drives me mad, when trying to pick up a free agent pitcher for my team...or, better said, to replace my #5 starter with another free agent starter.
Does it fry any one else's sanity that , when you have a small amount of free agent cash (or none)...you can't first drop a starting pitcher & then pick up another? I can't afford to first pickup a "throw-away" starter, so when I release the guy I want to release I will still have the required five starters until I can pick up the starter I want to add.
Have I stated this so anyone other than tiny green men from the planet Krypton can understand what I'm feebly trying to say???
I'd love to hear if this gets under anyone else's skin?
Kudos to Strat & TSN for combining to offer the ultimate gaming experience!!!![/b]