Is It Just Me???

Is It Just Me???

Postby linss4 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:03 am


I'm a Strato-Nut of four decades now, and bow every morning to the image of Harold Richman, and am without doubt convinced there is no game in the same Stratosphere as his creation!!
Having said all this, there is one minor glitch that drives me mad, when trying to pick up a free agent pitcher for my team...or, better said, to replace my #5 starter with another free agent starter.
Does it fry any one else's sanity that , when you have a small amount of free agent cash (or none) can't first drop a starting pitcher & then pick up another? I can't afford to first pickup a "throw-away" starter, so when I release the guy I want to release I will still have the required five starters until I can pick up the starter I want to add.
Have I stated this so anyone other than tiny green men from the planet Krypton can understand what I'm feebly trying to say???
I'd love to hear if this gets under anyone else's skin?
Kudos to Strat & TSN for combining to offer the ultimate gaming experience!!!![/b]
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:31 am

That is not a problem at all. You simply have to plan ahead. Find out what the current drop penalty is by clicking on the price of a player from your roster. This will pop up a screen telling you the drop penalty and how much cash you would have if you dropped this player. DON'T DROP HIM at this point it is only a test of what the penalty is. Then add up the combined salary of the two players you want to drop and deduct the penalty. For instance if the combined salary of the two players is 10M and the drop penalty is 20% then 10.00 x .8 = 8M. You would get 8M to spend on other players. Add to this whatever available salary cap you have and then you know how much cash you can spend on replacement players for the two you want to change.

If you know that one of the players you pick up will be a filler .50 player then just deduct that amount from the amount you can spend and you will be able to look for a replacement player that fits under the amount you have left to spend.

You do all of this PRIOR to dropping anybody because you don't want to go half way through this process and then realize that you would be better off staying put where you were. When you settle on what players you want to pick up then go ahead and pick up the cheap filler player first to give you room for the more expensive player you want second. It is really no big deal, it just requires a little forethought. :D
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Postby linss4 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:11 am

I understand all that....My question/point refers only to starting pitchers, and the requirement that a team carry 5 starters at all times.
I currently have 5 pitchers that have starting capabilities, and $70,000 in my "bank account". I want to replace one of my starters with a free agent starter. For sake of simplicity, we'll say both starters have a salary of $1,000,000. I am not allowed to drop the starter I wish to release, because I am required to carry 5 starters on my roster. I cannot pickup a "shell-pitcher" for $500,000 to enable me to make this maneuver, because I only have $70,000 in my free agent account. I am not interested in dropping a position player or reliever to make this happen.
What my hope was that Strat could somehow incorporate this possibility into a single transaction....such as a trade is done within the game. Only this "trade" would be done with the pool of available free agents.
Am I missing something........short of seeing in the "rear view mirror" that I had not "thought ahead"?
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:53 pm

Do you currently have a 4 or 5 man rotation? I guess I don't understand your complaint. Are you unhappy that there is a drop penalty? Is that your issue?
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Postby geekor » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:06 pm

I am not sure I get it either?

When you drop a player you then pick up a player right away. You drop a SP that costs 1 mil, assuming standard autoleague, you then get back 800k (plus your 70k) for a total of 870k to pick up a new SP you then pick up right away? You don't just drop and then later pick up, because people will cheat if they can and use RP's to start.

Why don't you spell out exactly what you are trying to do, what players exactly are you trying to change?
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Postby linss4 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:21 pm

OK....I have 5 starting capable pitchers on my roster.
I want to drop one of them, and pick up a free agent starter.
I only have $70,000 cash.
Because I have such little $$, I must drop the unwanted starter first.
When I try to do so, I am not allowed that function. The response is that I must have 5 starters on my roster.
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Postby geekor » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:24 pm

As soon as you go to drop a SP, it will give you that message at the top. Just click on the FA sp you want.

or more detailed, on your team screen, click on the right where ther salary is for the SP you want to drop, it will bring you to the FA sP screen, p9ick the SP you want to pick up and presto
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Postby Stoney18 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:36 pm

You can't drop in one step and pick up a replacement in a 2nd step.

You need to drop & add at the same time.
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Really simple

Postby elpasopesos » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:39 pm

It is really simple never drop always trade
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